Chapter 12

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"For the first fight," Eric's voice was loud. "Peter and Tris." Riley instantly hindered her breathing, her heart dropping into her stomach. Christina was across the mat. The two were sparring partners, but hearing Eric call for Tris to fight Peter caused them both to halt.

"What did he say," Christina propelled off the mat. But they both heard him clearly. Tris headed past them, an annoyed look on her face. "It's Eric" She began walking at her side. Riley joined them, "he's just getting back at you."

She glanced at Eric, "I believe in you, Tris." They stopped and let the girl walk to the circle, but Four stopped her. Peter was already on the mat, waiting for her.

Riley's interest was on Four and Tris. He seemed to be giving her advice on how to take down Peter, something he had done for her first fight. Their conversation didn't last more than ten seconds as Four let her go. Tris nervously stepped into the ring. "He's going to kill her."

"Hey," Riley nudged her, "have some faith in our friend."

Christina rolled her eyes, "fine. I have faith she'll live, but she definitely will lose." Riley looked behind her friend and at Will. He simply shrugged knowing there was no arguing with Christina. "Come on, Tris." Peter took the opportunity to throw a punch, which Tris easily dodged. Without missing a beat, she punched him in the throat.

"Nice," Riley found herself saying. A grin on her face, as Peter swung again and Tris forced his arm to the side. With growing confidence, Tris went to punch him, but Peter caught her arm and elbowed her in the face. He hit her again, and Al winced at the sound.

But Tris bounced back, and she grabbed Peter's arm, yanking it behind him. She got two good kicks to his gut before he was able to gain control and punch her. Riley struggled to watch and looked at her brother, almost pleading with him to stop the fight. But he couldn't. There was nothing he could do.

Peter threw Tris across the mat and kicked her. "Come on," Eric mumbled. "Stop playing around."

Tris stood up, and Peter wasted no time. Raising his fist and hitting her square in the face. Riley noticed her brother turning and marching away. Not able to watch the unfair fight. Tris turned as Peter raised his leg. The kick hit her in the head, and her body went limp. "Tris," Riley called in a panic. Peter stepped back having won the fight.

Christina and Riley were by the unconscious girl's side in a flash. Eric didn't speak as they both wrapped their arms around her. Tris's eyes were closed as blood dripped from her nose. Riley wanted to scream at Eric and Peter. But it was pointless. Neither would care. The only thing she did was send Eric an unknowing glare before leaving with Christina. "She's definitely out," Christina muttered. "Eric's going to send her to factionless."

"What do we do," there was no response. "Christina, we have to do something."

"Like what," her tone was harsh. "Whatever we do will only make Eric hate us as well."

Christina was right, but she wasn't ready to admit that. Riley liked Tris and wasn't ready to part ways. "Holy shit," Will ran to their side. He slowly slipped between Christina and Tris to better carry her. "Did you see that?"

"Of course we did," Riley responded. "Who didn't."

"Right," he muttered. "Sorry." There was a silence that followed, and nobody broke it. They walked together to drop Tris off and stay by her side for as long as they could.


Tris had yet to wake. The hit she took from Peter had knocked her out for over a day. Eric had already announced that Tris would be out. The last part of the scoreboard would be the war games, and she wouldn't be there. Riley wanted to be excited but couldn't. Tris was leaving them, and it was hard to process.

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