The pack on the attack

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Sam's POV

"Well that went swell. I swear, people can be so stupid. How does a mother not know where her six year old little girl was. Idiot." Dean rambled on.

"Well Miss. Adler said that her daughter was in the backyard Dean. She was keeping an eye on Nicole. She just turned her head for a second. That's how long it takes for a vampire to kill. You know that." I reminded him.

He grunted in response, and stared at the road. Talking to the families didn't go as smoothly as I thought it would. There was a lot of slammed doors, and evil glares. I understand why, it must've hurt the families to talk about their kids, siblings, and friends.

So, what the hell do you think Bucky and Bobby were talking about earlier?" Dean asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I'm not sure Dean, but I don't think it's our place to ask what they were talking about." I answered.

I wanted to know so badly, but it wasn't about me. If Bucky wanted to talk about, she would talk about it. When I went up to ask her if she wanted to talk to victims with us, she closed up. Bucky was scared, I could see it in her eyes. But her face was like a wall, unbroken.

~time skip~

The impala pulled up onto the dusty road of Bobby's house. Everything looked normal, except a new Honda car. That was either just bought, or in great condition. Dean noticed it too, and made sure his gun was loaded. Wait a minute, Bucky could be in danger. I leapt out of the car, and loaded my gun. There was nobody outside, so they must be inside. I looked on the ground around the car, and noticed blood beginning to dry.

"Dean!? There's blood." I called him over.

We both had the same thought. Bucky was home alone. I ran at the front door, and ran through it. Dean was at my side, and our guns were raised. Looking wildly all over the place.

My eyes rested on Bucky sitting on the couch, surrounded by two unknown guys around our age. Dean raised his gun, pointing it at the boy with his arm around Bucky. As soon as we bursted in, the two men pulled their guns. They weren't simple hunter guns, they were intense. Like a military gun. Bucky scrambled up, and stood between the four of us. I was glaring at the mysterious men, while they glared back. If looks could kill, we would kill them, and they would kill us.

"Woah, woah!? Just everyone calm down." Bucky said, in her thick Irish accent. She held out both of her arms, trying to separate us.

"Buck, who are they?" The man with freckles asked, cocking his gun.

"Well if y'all put your guns down, I'll explain." Bucky huffed. "Chase,
Logan. Meet Dean and Sam Winchester. Winchesters, meet Logan pendragon, and chase Chrien."

"What are you doing here?" Dean growled.

"I invited them here. They were in town, and I grew up with them. So I wanted to see them." Bucky explained, trying to control her shaking.

I could tell Bucky was ready to jump into action. Her body was slightly crouched, and her eyes went back and forth between us.

"Buck, who are they?" The one with freckles asked.

Hyland's POV

Crap! I can't tell Logan and Chase that these brothers were hunters. They didn't need to know about the hunting life. I have to come up with a lie, and a good one at that.

"Ummm. They're family friends." I answered quickly.

I took a quiet sigh of relief when everyone lowered their guns. I was about to jump in, and fight down Dean and Sam if I had to. Everything was quiet, and nobody moved. I could feel the tension, and it could be cut with a butter knife.

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