Look somewhere else.

377 26 4

So a double update as an apology for my not-so-regular updates.


I took a bath hurriedly. Well I am taking bath in the morning which is rare. I straightened my hair a bit, wore plain boyfriend jeans and a baggy blue top. I wore the scrunchie on my wrist and off course my dear lifeline; my glasses.

The thing is I wanna be in C's house before Shirsh.


I ringed the doorbell.

"Namaste Aunty" I greeted Radha aunty.

"Namaste beta" she gave me a bone crushing hug.

"You got thinner" she said analysing me.

I just laughed it off. She doesn't need to know that it is actually a compliment.

I ran up to C's room but instead I saw Shirsh and I froze. This boy. I literally woke up at 7 to be before him!

His back was facing me. I was in the floor below. He was mumbling something and banging C's door. She yelled something and then he left. He went to the bathroom and taking the chance I ran to C's room.

But before I could knock.

I heard a "hey" in the deep, gravely, I-just-woke-up-but-I-am-sexy voice.

When I turned around he waved at me. I waved back. I was so affected by his presence. He looked at me, wrinkling his brows.

Say something Astha!

"Hey. I didn't knew you were coming" I said.


ASTHA SERIOUSLY?!?! A single 'Hey' would have been thosand times better

"You didn't?" He responded to my 'oh so weird statement'.

"On second thoughts maybe she told me" I said scratching my head.


"You look great by the way" I said trying to dismiss my previous shit talk.

He looked down at his clothes. He was wearing sweats and a t shirt.

Now looking at him I realised that he probably slept here and isn't even ready yet.

His hair are all messed, well that explains his hell of a sexy voice.

"You are making fun of me, aren't you?" He smiled.

"Nooo, you look fine" I said.

"You look pretty thou" he said.

And here we go. My shoes are pretty. Or maybe the ceiling is. What about the stairs. Just look anywhere but at him Astha.

Suddenly C opened the door and threw some clothes at Shirsh. "Take these".

He looked at me as the clothes hit him on the face. I wanted to control my laughter but let's say I am not really good at it. I ended up laughing really bad on him.

Maybe I shouldn't laugh at him. I looked at him but he was smiling, watching me. Then a cloth hit me on the back of my head, disturbing all my just combed hair and rested on my shoulder.

Now let's say it was his turn to laugh like it was the funniest thing ever. We were looking at each other and laughing.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS EARLY HERE?!" C broke our moment.

I gave her a wdym look.

"You don't even wake up this early!" She continued. She is grumpy early in the morning. Well besties for a reason.

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