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Astha's POV

I was on the swing when I saw Shirsh. He was looking around for me. I decided to surprise him.

I decided to go with my basketball threatening voice and I attacked at him from behind.

He turned around alarmed and I exploded with laughter and he joined me soon.

When I looked at him I finally noticed that he was drenched in sweat, even his hair were wet and he was a bit out of breath too. Maybe from the heart attack I gave him.

But he was looking sexy. I told you sweat drenched boys are my weakness.

His eyes were still the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. And not to admit but..

His lips were looking as kissable as ever.

"You should have told me you were coming" he said.

"Sorry I don't go to a school where phones are allowed" I said sarcastically.

He laughed at it "you wanna drink something?"

"I will bring it, it will be my treat today. Tell me your order?"

" Anything is fine with me" he said.

Shirshak's POV

I was still trying to process that Ashta is here when I saw her walking towards me. Her hair were waving along with the wind. I love how they just move with the wind, messing with her spectacles.

I love how she looks so perfect in her school uniform. Her tie was hunging loose. The necklace she always wore has escaped her shirt and is now swinging along with her steps.

She was carrying two smoothies and a dew bottle.

Oh lord! How much she loved dew.

"Here" she gave me the vanilla one.

"Thanks, where is my drink?" I asked her.

"Gee, isn't ice-cream enough" I shook my head "one sip of dew and no more" she said.

She sat beside me on the grass.

"Sorry you came all the way to here because of me" she said.

"All the way here? I was in school playing basketball" I clarified for her.

She made a oh face.

I forgot I was totally bathed in sweat so I shifted away from her. I must be stinking.

She was trying to eat her smoothie but her hair was is no mood to obey her wish. It was hilarious.

"Help me, instead of laughing" she said.

I looked at her not sure what to do. Am I supposed to move the hair out of her face? Am I allowed to do that?

She handed me her smoothie and opened her bag. I noticed my gifted keychain on it and an involuntary smile broke on my lips.

She pulled out a scrunchie from her bag. It was the same scrunchie I gave her today in the morning.  saw this scrunchie and it was of the same colour as her school uniform so I bought it for her.

She tied her hair in a messy ponytail.

"Thanks for the scrunchie" she smiled "I have something for you too".

She gave me a handerchief and said "I always regretted ruining your hanky so I bought it for you".

I laughed again. It's impossible to be around her and not laugh.

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