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The next few days were really hectic all about studies and exams. Our school is being extra serious about this whole board exams thing and I don't appreciate it, even in the slightest.

Plus I can't help but wonder what misunderstanding would lead Asha to be that angry and upset with me. Also I can't wait for diwali for mainly three reasons; one:no school, two: exams over and three: sweets.


"Ashyyyyyyyyyy" C joined me while singing.

I raised my eyebrows at her. It's chemistry test soon and I really love our mam and I don't wanna disappoint her so I am cramming this one hell of a long reaxn.

"Guess what?" She said in a sing-song way.

"What?" I muttered.

The whole class is pin drop silent and then here is my best friend jumping with happiness.

"You are coming over to my house on Sunday after diwali"

"I am?" I asked her.

"You are" she clapped her hands with glee.

"And can I ask why are you soooooo fricking happy about it?"

"Becoz it's a double date situation. Shirsh is coming too" now she literally started jumping.

In addition a weird sound escaped my mouth and I jumped out of my seat too. I clapped my hand on my mouth to shut myself up. But what am I gonna do about the weird ass alien dancing in front of me.


Day 6: Chemistry exam.

The exam sucks. Remember when I said that I hate Physics well I forgot to add Chemistry. I HATE CHEMISTRY TOO. I only like numericals.


Day 5: Physics exam.

I attempted as much as I could which was exactly 40 out of 80 marks exam and the rest I cheated (not recommended).


Day 4: English and Computer Science exam.

The students who asks for extra sheets in these two exams are the CHATUR of the class.


Day 3: Maths exam.

The only exam I am extremely nervous for. It's like an unsaid rule that there is always gonna me a problem I can't solve in every Math exam. I always spent my last 20minutes on the same question. And lastly I submitted my sheet still not sure about the answer.


"Who's up for party?" C roared.

"Me" Riya, Nachiket, Naina and other said.

She looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I frowned.

"No, not again!" She exclaimed. "Which question number?"

"13" i pouted.

"Oh come on" she hugged me and then slapped my butt and ran.


"Don't" I slapped Aarav's hand as he was trying to steal a momo from my share.

"C'mon just one" he pouted.

"Okay one" I picked a mom and acted like placing it on his plate but instead I picked one from his plate.

Yes he is crazy, he hasn't finished his yet but was still trying to steal mine.

"Nooooooooo" he half screamed in pain and half in agony.

We all started laughing at him.

"Astha let's buy a lot soan papdi" Asha said.

We both love it.

"Yes" we high fived.

C whispered in my ear "and brought a bikini to my house"

I looked at her wide eyed.

One: we live in India.

Two: it's not summer.

Three: I am not confident.

Four: oh I will look ugly.

Five: let's be honest no one is even considering it.

"You need to stop with your fantasies" I told her, diving into my own fantasy.


"Eat less, pigs" mom was shouting at us. As we finished our second box of soan papdi. Don't worry, not in a row.

Just like every year we distributed soan papdi equally between us and one for mom and dad.

"Your brother send this" dad entered the house with a box of soan papdi in his hand.

Both Astha and I ran towards him.

"ROHAN!!!!" mom screamed uncle's name.


Astha and I were in my bed eating soan papdi, listening to music and the sounds of firecrackers. We were never the one for firecrackers celebration. Thou we always do it coz our dad loves it for almost an hour.

Dad love rockets, mom loves anaar, Asha loves chakri and I love fuljhadi and murgachap ;)

"You know......"

"Hmmm....." I hummed while eating.

"That day I was so angry because I overheard girls saying that you were dating him" she said.

"Hey. I am not a homewrecker. And who is she? Aarav and I are just friends. AND I AM SINGLE, PROBABLY FOR LIFE"

She gave me a light chuckle "not Aarav".

I turned all my attention to her "then who?"

"He was my first love. But guess what? He doesn't likes me back" she said it as if it isn't a big deal, when I clearly know how big of a deal it is.

Anyone who can't see how precious my sister is, is blind. She is everything a person wants in their partner. AND WHO THE HELL IS HE?

"And bitch. I thought that you are taking revenge of how I am dating your childhood love" she said this one much softly than before.

"Awww just know I would never do that to you. That boy is blind not to see how pretty you are inside and out" I kissed her hair and back hugged her.

"Yep now I know" she said with a smile in her voice. "Sorry I was a bitch"

"It's okay. But are you over him?" I asked her.

"A-- um...almost" she replied trying to convince her ownself more than me.

"And who is he??? Do I know him?" I mumbled, not sure if it will hurt her to ask it.

"Yes you do know him. Well I think he isn't over me I mean I feel like he is trying to find ways to have a reason to talk to me" she said. Exactly how can someone be over my sis.

"So you gonna choose him or Aarav?" I asked her. Not knowing what do I want her to say.

"I don't know. I mean I really like Aarav but he is you know, you wanna pursue Psychology ..right?"

I nodded.

"It's like he is trying to spend some time with my best friend and they weren't close even in the least bit. It can be because he wanna be near me. Right"

"Well most probably. But it can be like he maybe likes your best friend" I said. Trisha is her best friend, she isn't much likeable to be honest coz she is most of the times straight of rude.

"No he doesn't like her. He just can't." She said.

"Yeah.." I replied.

I just hope that her heart is in the right place. If she isn't still over him, she shouldn't play with Aarav's feelings.


Suggest me some high school movies or series. I am missing high school

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