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Astha's POV

"Dinner is ready" my mom called from downstairs.

I turned off the music. C and I are dancing and singing for an hour now. We have played all possible breakup savage songs and That bitch on repeat.

I brought her straight to my house. Her mom doesn't know about Harshit but my mom knows so she will understand.

She is smiling for me but I know she is still sad. I never asked her what they talked about.

After she slept. I snuck out of the room and went to terrace. I love these breezes.

My phone popped with a notification sound.

I picked it up.

Unknown: Hey.

I smile started playing on my lips. I looked at the dp. It's Shirsh

Astha:hii. Shirsh?

And we talked about regional and nationals for an hour straight.


Every day the few weeks passed with the same thought in my mind. God please somehow end me up in the same place with Shirsh at the same time.

But somehow that never happened.

Now that I know he is so close I can't help but keep looking everywhere.

We chat almost everyday now.

I know we should meet up. But I am just not sure that whether I should take that first step. Are we even anything more than friends?

He told me that Harshit is still really sad and he is kind of quiet now.

I know C is dying to talk to him but I can't allow it. At least not now. I need to be sure. No one can just hurt my best friend and get away with that.

I wanted to tell C about Shirsh but it will be unfair to her heart.

And I am really cool with Aarav now. But whenever I see them together I feel uneasy.

The more  I look into Aarav's eyes the more I realise that they are different from Shirsh's. Shirsh's eyes have the power to somehow pacify me.

I got into the bus and sat at my usual seat in the end. I was just thinking about him when someone sat in the seat beside me. I turned around to see a 10th grade boy whose name I have yet to found out.

"Hello. I am Saurabh" he extended his hand.

I shook his hand "Hey! I am As-" he cut me off.

"Astha Sen. I know you" he said.

It's not normal for students to approach me except for three reasons.
First- they want to know about Asha.
Second- related to studies.
Third- asking for how to top without studying, they call it my secret.

Looking at Saurabh, he must belong to the first category.

I looked at him to ask me anything.

"Umm... I have something for you" he said it and I started panicking. What can he possibly have to give me?

He opened his bag and took out a small box - like a ring box. I am not thinking that far. I was not sure whether I should take it or not.

"It's not from me don't worry. It's from your boyfriend" he laughed.

I wanted to laugh too but who is my boyfriend?

"And who is my boyfriend?" I asked him.

"Shirshak" he answered as if he is not sure whether I am joking or not.

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