Chapter 14

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Everything I use here is mine, as I made everything and everything is made up for your entertainment.

Kenchini? Was that Kenchini? Why was I here? Am I being freed? Did Kenchini come to get me? Did he really love me....

Soft fabrics warmed my body as what felt like a cloud covering me with its shield, it was so comfy, it reminded me of Kenchini's hugs. The noise of a door opening made me open my eyes and it didn't look like the room I was in Nigeria, almost similar to Kenchini's bedroom. Someone had sat beside me as my eyes went their direction.

It was Kenchini, I quickly sat up and shuffled away, leaving the older to give a disappointed look as he crossed his arms.

"How- Where am I?" I stuttered, thinking my mind was tricking me of making me see my friend though it didn't feel fake when a rough hand was on my cheek.

"You don't remember, I feel so hurt, I went all the way to your hometown to get you back and this is the thanks I get,"

I gently pushed the hand off my face, What? I'm back in Kyoto. But how? Did Mother let him? Was I asleep?

"What? You didn't want to be rescued, I should have left that old man get you then," Kenchini remarked bitterly, giving me a knowing stare.

"I... I was going to marry him to strengthen the alliance with Nigeria and Afghanistan," I whispered, able to hear Kenchini's grunt.

"But that's not fair, I was supposed to marry you first," Kenchini muttered, probably only to himself but I heard it loud and clear.

Even with hearing that, I asked a different question, "What happened to that old man you were talking about,"

"I killed him, straight into the heart with my sword,"

Huh? What did he say? He killed Ofe Tomero, and got away with it.

Without realising, I moved farther away from Kenchini though I snapped out of my thoughts when a hand landed on mines.

"What! Do you want war!" I suddenly yelled, trying to take the hand off but it didn't budge.

"It doesn't matter now that I have you," Kenchini whispered, slowly coming closer with a hand going to my face again.

"Kenchini, what-" The shushed look from Kenchini made me stop in seconds as once again our lips were together. The hand slipped from on my face onto my waist, pulling me closer into the kiss....

"Um, sir, The Emperor has requested your presence,"

I immediately broke away from the kiss and hid into Kenchini's chest, embarrassed for a guard to see us kiss. Kenchini gave a little chuckle before instructing the guard he would be out in a minute.

"We can continue later Enyo-Chan," Kenchini whispered closely to my ear before leaving the room, leaving me to realise the bandages wrapped around my body...

Kenchini's POV

"Father, you wanted to talk to me," I said politely, sitting down on one of the cushions beside him when there was a large amount of work piled up. 

"Yes I did but I wanted to ask you, how is Enyo-Chan doing now," The Emperor said nicely, not giving a glance at me as the work wasn't going to finish by itself. I sighed, straighten up and picked up some of the work, it just needed to be signed.

"She just woke up now, the doctors went to check on her," I replied, taking a Quill and started signing the Emperor's signature, which was going to be mines in the future.

After that, the discussions were about the war that was going to happen and about the tactics for it. It was almost like a father and son bonding time, but most people would go to the park or the arcade instead of doing paperwork.

"We'll ask Enyo-chan for more information later, she'll probably know more but now get some rest son," 

It was going to midnight already as I left the room and headed for where Enyo was. She was already sleeping as I got into the covers and got pulled into a hug by the sleeping female, without thinking I wrapped around her waist and fell asleep. Now that I've got you, everything is going to be alright...

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