Chapter 25

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Losing my mind for only a minute, I reached behind Kenchini's back, grabbing for the katana and threw it away, making Kenchini go back to normal.

"Enyo-Chan? What are you doing here?" Kenchini asked curiously, his face looked innocent so he must have been okay.

Getting off from Kenchini, I quickly ran out of the room before he could question me even more.

"That demon! I can't wait to destroy it!" I muttered angrily to myself, finding myself walking all the way to the Royal library, the guards knowing who I am and let me in immediately.

Searching for any section with the word 'summoning' or 'demons', instead a book fell on my head from one of the top shelves.

"How did this one fall? Everything is always put neatly," I questioned curiously, rubbing my head while grabbing for the book on the floor.

'Summons & Demons' was the title of it but there was no author's name so there might be a chance that it's not be a novel. There was a small lock on it that looked like it was opened maybe hundred of thousand years ago, the lock was very rusty.

"I wonder if that sword came from this-"

About to open the book, a faint voice came from behind me until there was a hand on top of mines but what looked unusual was how it was all in a light blue colour, looking almost transparent.

"Okay, I will not," I said back, removing my hand but instead of feeling the pressure from the others hand, I went right through it.

It was then that I looked at the thing beside me, it looked exactly like Hiro with a bored look on his face and the worse part was that he was floating in the air as it was normal.

"Hello Enyo-Chan, I am Hiro, your personal angel from heaven, I am here to assist you any way!"

Finding myself backing towards the door, the ghost then realised what I was doing and closed it quicker than I could escape.

"Who are you and where did you come from!" I whispered loudly to indicate that I was still shocked and made sure that the librarian didn't hear me.

"I already told you who I am and where I came from, that book that you are holding in your hands,"

Looking at it nervously, it did say summons and demons but when did I summon one.

"I've been living for a hundred of thousand years now,"

"How did you come out?"

"An old man came one day and opened the book, letting hundred of spirits out to terrorise Japan, one of them attached to his sword I think-"

"His sword! Did you say his sword! Could it have been a dragon spirit?"

The spirit looked shocked from my answer and has nodded, "Yes it was, how do you know? How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen years old and the man is dead and so did everyone else that has had it and now it has been passed to my friend, who is being possessed by it half of the time,"

"Oh, well that's what spirits are for, tormenting people until they died,"

"Is there a way to at least remove the spirit from the sword?" I pleaded but the spirit shook his head.

"I don't know any way of removing it other than the spirit coming out by itself, though his spirit looks like he's had the best thing,"

"So this conversation was completely useless," I muttered silently, looking the curious boy.

"No, it wasn't-"

Out of nowhere, there was a loud noise on the roof and worse than that, wood started to burn because of the fire and it didn't take five minutes for the whole place to be engulfed with fire.

Thankfully I managed to get all of the people out except me, which when I tried to escape, a chunk of wood fell in front of the door.

"It's the demons! They are here!"

"Why are they here!"

"Because of you! You have the most spiritual energy out of all of the people in the library and they've been waiting to pounce on you!"

"Well that's horrible!" I yelled sarcastically, coughing between time to time...

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