Chapter 1

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"Ehh now Enyo! Your plane is going to go now!" My mother, who is friends with the president of Nigeria, had booked a plane to Japan for educational reasons.

"Coming maa!" I shouted from the upper floor as I dragged my suitcase from my bedroom which was now cleared up like it was never used before.

My luggage was taken on board then we did our goodbyes which was a nose rub and a prayer for a safe journey before the plane took off. The journey itself was great as I learned the whole language a few weeks before the decision was even made. The staff was obviously surprised at my perfect Japanese accent as well as the elders who were coming back from holiday or work.

As soon as I arrived, there were men in suits lined up in a straight line leading to an odd-looking man with a grin on his face.

"Welcome to Japan Enyo-chan!" The old man said joyfully as he gave me a big hug, "I am Hanro Shio, the Emperor of Japan,"

"I'm honoured to be here Shio-san," I said respectfully, returning the hug nevertheless after some words were exchanged, two men escorted me to where I would be staying when just at that moment a boy about my age bumped into me. His appearance said everything, a boy who isn't afraid to break the rules as well as talk highly of himself and will not let anyone put him in a bad light.

"So you're the transfer student from Africa are you," He said coldly as he looked at me up and down accusingly.

"What if I am, who are you anyways," I said boldly though the boy then looked surprised as well as the guards before his face changed into what is was before gradually.

"Well if you must know, I am the Emperor's son and you should watch your mouth," With that he walked the opposite way I was going. That was the first encounter between me and Kenchini at the time....


By the next week everything was cleared in my new apartment house and it felt like home with family and friend's photos on the shelf. Bodyguards came to my house a few days ago with my schedule for my new school, Kyoto University.

Provided tomorrow was the first day of University, I went to sleep early for a good night sleep nevertheless that rude boy was still in my mind ever since.

There was no uniform here so I wore some jeans and one of my favourite shirt which looked weird compared to at home but it was fine.

The walk there wasn't too far though when you're talking to the elders while helping in their work, it kind of took a while but I wasn't late.

As I saw the entrance of the school from the distance, I quickly checked myself to see if I looked presentable before I excitedly ran to school.

Though before entering the gates, laughter caught my attention, closely there was a big crowd surrounding someone. It was no coincidence that it was the same boy from the airport!

Before we could even make eye contact,  I ran inside the school gates and into the big halls but unfortunately I wasn't looking where I was going and I crashed into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I apologized quickly as I helped the girl who was now rubbing the place we collided into.

"No no! Its okay it's my fault, my name is Sakura Mioto, what's yours," The girl called Sakura said politely, "May I ask why are you running away,"

"My name's Enyo, there's a boy and I think he hates me," I whispered into her ear and she gave me a knowing look.

"Who is it, I can help!" Sakura said with determination written all over her face though it changed quickly when she heard my reply.

"Well he's tall, black hair and he said he was the Emperor's child but I don't believe him," I said thinking of other ways to describe him that I didn't realise that there was someone standing right behind me.

"What is there not to believe," A deep, similar voice whispered from beside my ear as I spun around to see the boy we were just talking about.

"Wha- what are you doing here!" I stammered and backed away but ended hitting the wall behind me, making me look straight into his eyes just as he was moving closer and closer...

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