Chapter 31

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What if he is doing perfectly fine following his tasks while I am seeking his company and affection? What if... What if.... I was the problem....

I decided that thinking wouldn't fix anything so I chose to have a small discussion with the current Emperor about Kenchini. As far as the law was concerned, he was the only man alive that had broken and defied the law up until that time because of love.

It wouldn't mean that me and Kenchini are in the same situation as the Emperor and his wife.

Two knocks on the wooden door and I heard a response. As I opened the door, I was not really expecting to see the Emperor enjoying a cup of green tea. However, there was a full mug of the same beverage on the beautifully designed table that was adjacent to the Emperor.

"Come in Enyo-Chan, please sit down," The Emperor said, gesturing to the cushion opposite him and in front of the table.

I knelt down on the cushion and positioned myself comfortably for a long talk.

"I'm sorry I had to interrupt your work to talk to you but-" I started but the Emperor cut me off.

"Don't be sorry, we haven't had a chat like this in a long time so what's the problem? Is it Kenchini?" The Emperor guessed.

I had been avoiding the conversation by not talking to the Emperor, but I was hoping that he would understand and help me with the issue. I was embarrassed to admit I was having difficulties with Kenchini and was afraid of being judged.

"Well, let's hear it," the Emperor said. "There's nothing to be ashamed of when talking to an understanding ear."

I nodded, grateful for the Emperor's understanding. Taking a deep breath, I began to explain my dilemma.

"It's not an easy thing to open up about," I admitted, lifting my gaze to meet the Emperor's.

"Go on," the Emperor encouraged, his expression reassuring me that I was in the right place.

My jaw stiffened as I inhaled a deep breath, understanding that this was the moment of truth. I felt a wave of courage surge through me, knowing that the Emperor was giving me his full support to continue. This was the chance for me to prove myself and show that I was worthy of being in the Emperor's court.

"I feel that Kenchini has not been communicating with me recently, like he is avoiding me," I explained gently, thinking of the right words to use towards the Emperor.

"I need to understand why he is behaving this way," I added, stressing the importance of getting to the bottom of the matter.

For example, I have noticed that his responses to my messages have been short and distant, and he has not been initiating conversations like he used to.

The Emperor looked at me with a frown, as if he had something to say but wasn't sure how to say it. I could tell that he was not as responsive as he used to be, and I knew something had changed.

He had an indescribable expression on his face, as if he had something to say but was not sure how to express it. His eyes were distant and his mouth tight, and he seemed to be struggling with some internal conflict.

His posture was rigid and taut, conveying a sense of deep inner turmoil and an almost desperate search for answers as well.

He appeared to be deeply contemplating something and was unsure of how to make sense of his thoughts. His body language was that of someone with a heavy burden that was only growing heavier by the second. It was as if he was desperately trying to make sense of it all, yet the answers evaded him.

"Emperor?" I called, "Is there something you want to tell me?"

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, as if he was finally ready to confess his secrets.

"It's been on my mind for a long time," he said, "but I'm finally ready to tell you the truth."

"What I'm about to say may be difficult to hear, but it's been a long time coming," he continued, his eyes focused intently on mine.

I nodded, bracing myself for whatever he was about to tell me. Is Kenchini sick? Is Kenchini not going to be the Emperor?

His solemn expression and his pause before speaking reinforced my fear that something was terribly wrong. I could feel my heart pounding as I waited for what he had to say.

"Kenchini has become more attached to the sword now," The Emperor admitted tensely, unable to believe the words that came out of his own mouth.

I was shocked by the Emperor's words. I never expected to hear such a thing. I remembered the tales of the sword and its power, yet I had never heard of any of the Emperors becoming so attached to it. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"He never lets it out of his sight anymore and his eyes change colour more often. He had become so protective of it that it was as if he had become a different person." The Emperor explained.

"It had become so precious to him that it was like it had become a part of him," the Emperor said, emphasizing his point.

"So it is that serious." I muttered.

"Yes," he said with a heavy sigh. "It's more difficult than I ever thought it could be."

Before I could answer him, I heard a loud knock on the door. I quickly got up to answer it, but my heart was still heavy with worry.

After opening the door, I was filled with a sense of dread as I saw a dull-looking guard standing there, observing everything that was going on.

He bowed towards the Emperor, respectfully asking for permission to speak. His voice was low and serious, as he addressed the Emperor with a stern look on his face. The Emperor nodded in response and gestured for him to continue speaking.

Unnerved by the sight, I hesitantly asked the guard what he wanted.

I could tell that he was not a friendly visitor, as his expression was stern and his posture was rigid. He asked for my name, and I nervously gave it to him, my heart racing as I waited for his next move.

He gruffly spoke, "The Crown Prince wants to speak with you."

I felt a surge of shock and disbelief, realizing the gravity of the situation I had stumbled into.

Looking back at the Emperor for advice, he nodded, gesturing for me to follow the guard and the Crown Prince. Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself for the unknown and stepped forward.

I knew that this was the only way forward and that I had to trust the Emperor's judgement. He had always been right before, and I had to have faith that this would all work out.

It was a silent walk with the guard looking straight ahead, not uttering a single word. I could feel the tension in the air and the confusion that lingered in my mind. But I was determined to stay the course and not allow my emotions to take control.

Why would Kenchini suddenly want to speak with me? Does he know about the meeting I had with his father? Is he angry that I haven't tried to communicate with him more often?

The guard then knocked on Kenchini's door and informed him that I was here to see him. Kenchini's voice sounded neutral, except for the hidden excitement when he told me to come in.

The guard then opened the door for me and I hesitantly stepped inside. When I stepped inside, I noticed that Kenchini had been facing me the entire time.

His eyes were now dark red as he stared at me, expressionless, and I felt a chill run down my spine. He seemed to be studying me, evaluating me, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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