Chapter 4

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"Just go away Hiro!" I screamed as I pushed him away, not knowing that we were cornered on a cliff and that was the last time I saw him just as he fell to his death. It's all my fault, it's all my fault, was the only thing that was in my mind as I locked myself in my room for I don't know how long.

Ring Ring Ring! That was the noise that woke me up from my nightmare, but it didn't have a name so I answered it with cautiousness. I listened for any noise before then there was a familiar voice saying hello. 

"Sakura, is that you," I whispered at a slow pace, only to hear a relieved sound on the other side.

"Hey! Thank goodness I got your number right, I wouldn't want to call a pervy old man,"

The chat continued for a while, until Sakura became quiet for some minutes.

"H-hey Enyo, can I tell you a secret,"

"Of course!"

"Well, do you know that boy that was holding me when we first met,"

"Oh yeah him, I was going to ask, what did he whisper to you,"

"Um, that's the problem, his name is Kai Ito and he's my crush!"

"You're what!" I screamed.

"Shh! Be quiet! My family could hear you! Anyways he said that he knows I have a crush on him and if I don't stay quiet, he'll tell the whole school!!"

"Do you think he was lying," I whispered worriedly.

"Uh I don't think so- Uh okay mom I'm coming!" Sakura screamed, "Sorry my mom needs my help with dinner, maybe one day you could come over?"

"Maybe one day, bye!"

After our constant byes, Sakura finally switched off, making me realized that I haven't eaten yet as I got off my creased bed.

I decided to make sushi, as it was the only Japanese food I could make until I could get a cookbook, which need rice, sugar and salt, seafood and vegetables. When I was finished, I took a picture of it to send back to my family as they would want to see how I've been doing.

After eating my delicious sushi, I did my studies before I went to sleep at 11PM, still having Kenchini in my mind, torturing in my dreams like I tortured your patience ....

The Next Day

As I missed two of my alarms, I quickly had a shower and thankfully I had some sushi for lunch, after making one toast, I ran off to school and was 20 minutes late. The teacher was forgiving enough to not give me a detention as I sat beside Sakura, who had a worried look on.

"Why were you late, did something happen?" Sakura whispered closely, looking sideways to see if the teacher was staring at us.

"No, I just slept in, don't worry," I said, whispering back before listening back to the teacher who was saying something about love and feeling which everyone booed at.

I could tell Kenchini was staring at the back of my head for me to look at him, but after yesterday, I just couldn't. They almost looked alike, Hiro and Kenchini, but that couldn't be possible, right? I thought, getting a quick glance of the boy behind me, who was now sleeping after several attempts of getting my attention...

After first class, Kenchini didn't bother me but only looked from afar which was very weird, he didn't take me away like he did at Lunch yesterday and he didn't ask me to watch him practice volleyball, it was really getting on my nerves for some reason and I don't know why.

Though this went on for a week, until, I got a letter in my locker, saying, Come Meet Me After School, It's A Surprise, By Your Crush. Who's that! I don't have a crush on anyone, well maybe....

Guys , I hope you love this story as much as I do !! Sometimes I get shocked reading it as if I'm the reader or something ! Anyways !


A pure girl with loving parents, don't judge her pretty looks to be a girly girl, she is 100% a tomboy. Even with a wonderful life like that, she still has her moments, being heartbroken many times has only made her stronger.....

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