Bonus Chap

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4 Years Later

Tsukishima Kei

"Tsukishima-San, it's so good to see you." Tomoko, a woman I've been seeing fairly often these days, greets me as I walk through the doors.

"Yes, it's good to see you as well." I reply, a small smile on my lips.

Today has been sort of a shit day. I was able to take work off but the trip to Osaka just to be here was a pain.

Not to mention I've had a headache and couldn't find any Advil at the store. What kind of store doesn't have Advil??

"Let's go to my private room." Tomoko suggests and I start to follow her without a word. "Does your wife still not know what we're doing?" She asks and a heavy sigh leaves my lips.

"No, at least she hasn't brought it up if she does know." I purse my lips. Trying to keep this a secret has been hard.

Between the back and forward trips from Sendai to Osaka every weekend, I feel that Suzume is getting a bit suspicious and I'm worried.

"I see. Well don't worry, I'm going to make sure you leave here satisfied, alright Tsukishima-San?" Tomoko grins and I nod as we enter the private room, locking the door behind us.


"I'm home." I call out as I step into the new house Suzume and I bought just last year.

Gosh, the flight home was even worse. I did end up finding Advil but the person I sat next to smelt like shit and kept coughing without covering their mouth.

I'm in such an irritated mood I don't even want to talk to Suzume right now in case I accidentally give her attitude.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Her soft, angelic voice travels through the home and I already kind of feel better.

Thank god these weekend trips are over. Now I can spend more time with her.

I slip off my shoes, hiding the bag I brought as much as I can behind my back as I make my way through the halls. I hear her humming before I enter the kitchen and already I can feel my heartbeat quicken.

Pushing the door open, Suzume quickly turns around with the brightest smile on her face as she holds a triple layered cake in her hands.

"Ta-daaaa! Look what I made." Her eyes brighten and just like that- my day has gotten so much

Not a single bitter feeling left.

"It looks beautiful." I walk towards her, leaning forward to press a short kiss to her lips. "You're so talented."

A blush comes onto my wife's cheeks and she quickly sets the cake down and takes off her apron that's covered in different frosting dyes.

She stares at the cake for a few seconds and I can tell she's proud of her work.

After we graduated, Suzume wasn't sure what she wanted to do. Even though I assured her that I didn't mind if she didn't pursue a career- she insisted that she wanted to so who was I to stop her? She thought that maybe she'd take a year off to study and then take the college entrance exams the following year- but then she changed her mind.

She found that she really loves baking so she went to school for that and started her own little business online. I had to drop my go-to cafe because her strawberry shortcake is literally heaven on a fork.

For the longest time she didn't want me to promote her business because she wanted to gain some attention on her own- which she had absolutely no problem doing. She started getting orders like crazy almost 2 months after her launch and then she finally allowed me to promote her business to all of my fans.

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