The Deal

62 2 0

Imada Suzume

Tsukishima Kei is very persistent. And right now I mean that in the meanest way possible. He forced me to exchange phone numbers with him, and his friend Yamaguchi even insisted they walk me home the night we went to get dinner.

I feel like he's being a good, worried parent. It's weird. However, even saying that...I still hang out with him. It's been about two weeks since I went to watch his practice and I've been going ever since. He's honestly not that bad but I don't understand why he wants me around so much.

He probably feels some sense of responsibility for me since he "saved" me that one time. Ugh, even though I didn't want him to interfere I can't help but feel like I'm indebted to him in some way. I'll only hang out with him a few more times, after that I'm done with him. Or maybe I'll just ask if I can do him one big favor so he can leave me alone.

"Oh? You waited."

I turn around, adjusting the bag on my shoulder as I look at the sweaty boy in front of me.

"You asked me to come to your practice again. I didn't want to be in the gym, it was hot. I watched from out here." I explain and Tsukishima nods with a slight hum.

"Well Yamaguchi is walking our manager home, so it's just you and me today. Do you mind coming to my house so I can shower real quick?" He asks and my eyebrows furrow.

"That's too much. Nobody cares if you're dirty." I cross my arms, sighing. "Tsukishima-San, what do you want from me? You're not responsible for me, you know? You don't have to try to invite me out all the time. I'd rather not go."

Tsukishima stares at me for a second before a small chuckle brushes past his lips and he motions for me to walk along with him.

I fall into step beside him and watch as he stuffs his hands into his pockets, looking up at the sky.

"Why do you want to die?" He asks.

"Why do you want to live?" I shoot back with a scoff.

"While I admit life isn't all that great, I don't think it's that bad. There's so much beauty in the world, you know? There's so much to see- so much to do. You don't have anything you wanna do in life? At all?" He looks down at me.

"I never took you to be so cliché." My face scrunches up but he just rolls his eyes. "No. There's nothing I want to do. I've never made a goal in my entire life besides literally dying. Life is shitty, and so damn expensive." I groan.

No seriously, living is so pricey for no reason.

"Have you had a boyfriend? First kiss? Held hands with someone? Had sex?" Tsukishima fires question after question and I immediately stop walking, crossing my arms over my chest and looking at him like he's crazy.

"I knew it! You're a pervert!" I exclaim.

"I'm not you weirdo. That's like every basic high school girl's to-do list. Don't you hear the girls talking at school? It's sickening." He shudders and I cautiously start walking again but this time further away from him.

"I have no interest in that. I'm going to die anyways- what's the point in having a boyfriend?"

Tsukishima goes quiet and when I look at him his expression is weird. It's like he's confused or trying to solve a puzzle.

Geez, does me not wanting that stuff confuse him that much?

"So...what have you done?" He asks and I tilt my head as he stops walking. "Have you been to Yagiyama Benyland?" He asks and I shake my head.

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