What The Fuck is A Tanga?

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"We're at a lake?" I gasp, looking around. "I never even knew this was here."

It's relatively small, but still a lake nonetheless. Tsukishima walks over to the edge of the tiny cliff and sits down with his legs dangling off the edge.

"Yeah, I found it while running around with Yamaguchi one day while we were kids. Now we come here sometimes when we need a place to think. It's pretty, right?" He asks as I take a seat by him.

"Yeah, it's nice." I reply.

We both reach for the food that we picked up from the convenience store and begin to silently eat.

I swing my legs back and forward, looking down at the drop that's only about 10ft. For some reason I'm being reminded of when Tsukishima and I just met.

I fall into a daze, munching on my egg salad sandwich until there's nothing left of it. I stare at my empty hand with a pout.

"Alright." Tsukishima stands. "Let's save the snacks for later." He says and I immediately cover my eyes when he takes off his shirt

"Why are you stripping?!" I exclaim, hearing the sound of clothes falling to the floor.

"We're going swimming. Duh." He replies as if we planned this.

I don't uncover my eyes until I hear a splash and water droplets fall onto my legs. I look at him as he resurfaces and motions for me to jump in as well.

I look at his clothes and notice his pants are there too, but no signs of his boxers. Good.

"You can keep your clothes on! Or use my shirt." He runs a hand down his face to clear it of water before pointing to his clothes. "Change, I'll turn around to ensure I'm not looking."

True to his word, Tsukishima turns around. I hesitantly stand, unsure of what to do. If I wear his clothes, he won't have anything to wear after.

If I wear my clothes, I won't have anything to wear after. Well...this is about trying things for the first time, right?

I strip of my clothes, only leaving on my undergarments. This is stupid...what am I doing?

I take a deep breath before pushing myself off the ground and jumping into the water. It's kind of dark under here, if it weren't for the moonlight I'm sure it'd be pitch black. I stay underwater for a few seconds before realizing I'm not floating back up.

Haha...I don't know how to swim. Isn't this shit supposed to be easy? I flail my arms around in attempt to get up to the surface but it doesn't work.

Huh. I didn't think dying would be like this.

A few seconds later I jump when I feel arms wrap around me and I'm magically being lifted up to the surface of the water. Once my head is finally exposed to air I start coughing up the water I accidentally swallowed.

Gasping, I ignore the cursing and yelling that Tsukishima is doing as he drags me to land.

"God, what the fuck is wrong with you?! Seriously if you're going to fucking kill yourself don't do it in front of me! You're so fucking stupid are you really that desperate?!" Is the first thing I hear when I come to my senses.

I dip my head down, holding on tightly to him even though we're not longer in the water. I lean forward, coughing the hell out of my lungs for dear life.

Tsukishima roughly smacks my back and I slump into his chest once I'm finally able to catch my breath.

"I've never swam before, sorry." I breathe out, looking up at him.

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