chapter 27

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After visiting my parents we didn't  immediately go back. We took a small detour to go do some sweets shopping since we were near one of Satoru's favorite sweet shops. To noones surprise he bought so much that i wonder how he is still healthy at this point. We then decided to just walk around the town for a little while.

"Hey Satoru, wanna try karting in real life for a change?"

I saw him hesitate for a small second.

"Sure, but don't be surprised if you lose"

We bought tickets for the go karts and we both got a helmet and a jacket to put on as safety gear. We then got into the carts and soon they started counting down.

In the beginning i was far infront of Satoru, i was going full speed constantly and i even passed Satoru once.

Gojo was being pretty carefull, he didn't  trust it all entirely and was expecting  atleast one banana peel on his path or something of the sorts. In his defense, you never really know right? Okay so he might have exaggerated a bit but we're talking about Gojo Satoru here...

Thats just how he is.

A few more minutes went by and he finally gained more speed. Though i was already two rounds ahead of him. Yes, i passed him. Twice.


The flag signaling our time was over was held up. Satoru was only a few meters infront of me, but so was the finish line. I got closer and closer but... he arrived before me. We came to a stop and got out our karts.

"Heh, i finished first. Told you i would win"

Satoru was pretty proud of himself. Not that he had much to be proud off...

"Please, i made like 7 more rounds than you"

"Buuuttt i-"

"Satoru that doesn't matter cause i made more rounds than you. I was much faster which means i win"

I smirked while he pouted. 

"You don't  have to be so MEAN about it"

God he can be a drama queen....

I put my helmet away and put my arms around him. He hugged me back.

"Now lets get back home you big ass cry baby"


I dragged him outside and toward the trainstation. We walked back to jujutsu tech after our long train ride.


"Heeyy you're back!"

"Yeah i am"

"How bad were your parents  this time?"

"Im alive.. so there's that"

Nobara sighed.

"I still can't believe you actually went... "

"I wanted to see daichi anyway so it was manageble"

"Oh... i see. I guess ill see you tomorrow"

"Goodnight nobara"



Its been two days since i came back from my parents. Im currently kicking Gojos ass in hand to hand combat.

Well... okay fine.

Hes kicking MY ass in hand to hand combat. And that infront of Nobara and Megumi.

"And thats how its done"

Gojo was currently holding me down, he had defeated me.

"Whoa Gojo really defeated y/n. Again"

"I can't believe it either actually"

Gojo looked offended.

"Do you guys really think so -"


"No we actually just thought y/n would be better at this than you"

Gojo let go of me and i got back up.

"Well he IS the strongest sorcerer  for a reason... "

"Atleast one of you understands"


"I still beat his ass in mario kart though"

Nobara laughed at that, even Megumi let out a small chuckle.

"Hey thats not f-"

Gojo was interupted by Ichi knocking on the door. After a quick come in he walked in with a pained expression on his face. He didn't come to give us good news.

"Y/n... i have news for you. Its about your parents. If you like we can speak about this in private?"

I thought for a second but...

"Nah its fine i don't mind if the others here know"

Ichi looked at me to see if i was sure of my decision. I nodded at him and he cleared his throat. 

"Very well then. Y/n l/n, sadly enough i came to tell you your parents have been killed by a curse. I'd like to talk about a few of the details around the case with you later, ill give you a bit of time to process this first"

"Wait really?"

"Yes. Really"

Gojo hugged me from behind and laid his head on top of mine.

So they're really dead huh...


Bonus scene:

"Whoaa this movie was horrible! I gotta show this to y/n some time, she'll probably like it!"

Itadori finished another movie. His stack of movies he wanted to show you kept growing. He was thankfull for you having given him a big stash of snacks too and he was definitely enjoying them.

He missed you right now though. And for some reason he had a feeling that problems had come your way.

Soon he'll  see you again he thought to himself. Soon. That thought made him happy as he started his next movie.

This one was named: the emperor's new groove. A movie the two of you were going to watch many times in the future.

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