chapter 17

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"You were acting a little different than usual when i went to steal food from you"


It was that moment gojo realized, he fucked up.

"Don't change the topic now y/n, does food really change you that much?"

"If SOMEONE tries to steal it, YES!"

"Tch, that is in the past" Gojo said. I rolled my eyes.

"No its n-" Gojo trew a mochi into my mouth. I angrily ate it and as soon as i had finished it i said:


"I know im amazing, but for real... Why were you like that?"i sighed. Of course mr. Strongest sorcerer would notice when something is up.

"Its just..." I sighed again. "Just my parents complaining, nothing for you to worry about"

"What were they complaining about anyway, i mean... Even if you haven't been here for long, you aren't doing bad. Besides i can't think of anything that-"

"They want me to be some housewife. To preferably some strong sorcerer, telling me its important for the clan" At this i saw gojos face grow irritated.

"Its always about the clan, what is good for them, for their reputation. For my PARENTS reputation." I looked at were gojos eyes would be if he didn't have his mask on. "Well guess what, everyday i care less and less about the clan, i just want to make a name for myself. Screw them and their old ass ways, i think its time for a change" i smiled saying that. Gojo now started smiling at me as well, and patted my head.

"I knew you were a good one!"
"Seems we have similar situations, and ideas y/n" I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean gojo?"

"I mean that i dissagree with the old rules and regulations we have as well! And i don't like most elders either" I chuckled, it honestly didn't surprise me. I mean, yuji shouldn't be alive in the first place. If gojo were anything like the elders, or my clan (or most clans, really), than yuji would not be alive today. Im glad he is though.

"It indeed seems like we do, strongest sorcerer" I smiled and so did gojo.

"So why does someone like you hate the elders and the old ways so much?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you ARE the strongest, you were born with amazing techniques and all and-"

"And they always only see me as a weapon, a power to enhance, push to its limits, to gain control and a way to gain power"


"Yeah... But don't worry about it cause, too bad for them. Their plan failed and now they have me against them. I WILL change the way of jujutsu, and some weak ass elders cant stop me from doing that" His tone was serious, not something usual for the sorcerer. When satoru gojo gets serious, you know its real, and often know it's that someone REALLY fucked up.

"Im very happy you think that way, it makes me more confident that change is going to happen"



"Even if i weren't here, there are more and more young sorcerers starting to want change. Many are already trying to achieve it. Change in the jujutsu ways is unavoidable, with or without me"

"I guess you're right" i said, looking back down at the last bit of my food that was left.
"It does help that you're here though"

"I guess it does, im really awesome right?" Gojo said smirking.

"Sure, why not" i chuckled.
"Sometimes you're a little over confident though gojo" gojo raised his eyebrow.

"Im not over confident, i simply KNOW im the best and so do all the ladies" he smirked, again. While i rolled my eyes, again.

"Sure you are ladies man"

"Ahw come on, im awesome and hot and don't tell me you disagree 'cause if you do you are blind" he booped me on my nose when he said 'blind'. I put my hands infront of my face.

"Don't see any hot guys here"

"Put your hands out of your face, then you might see one"

"Nah... not interested" gojo grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands away from my face. I then closed my eyes to annoy him more.



"Do you have a boyfriend or something?"

"I thought it was obvious i don't"

"Are you into ladies instead of guys?"

"What if i am" i opened my eyes and looked at him.


"That would be cool"


"Im not"


"What about you mister strongest sorcerer?"

"Im not gay"

"Thats not what i wanted to know but okay"

"Then what did you-... Oh" i gave him a questioning look.

"No im not interested in a relationship... For now anyway"

"Thats understandable"


It went quiet for a moment.


"Yes y/n?"

"Would you like my last mochi?" Gojos eyes lit up.

"If you don't mind" he smiled. I gave him the mochi. I had now finished my food, and after gojo ate the mochi i gave him, he had too.

"You know y/n... You still owe me a hug"

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