chapter 28

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Im not really sure what to think or how to feel. What is a person supposed to feel in my situation?

I don't know....

I just.... i don't feel a lot right now. At all actually. I just feel lost.



"Y/n are you okay?"

"Well thats a dumb question ofcourse she's not. Idiot"

Nobara sighed. How can her sensei ask such a dumb question.

"Right... y/n do you wanna get some (f/f) together? "

Just as i was about to answer him with an obvious yes, Ichi came back into the room.

"Y/n, would you mind comming with me to talk about the incident?"

"I don't mind i guess"

"Gojo-san, you should come too since you're supposed to help out investigating this too"

Gojo nodded and we went into some office with Ichi and sat down at a desk. Ichi then handed me some case files.

Obviously they were about my parents deaths, about information they had collected so far. Ichi told me to read them and... there was a BUNCH of stuff i never knew about. And it wasn't good.

Not that it surprised me..

They had found out that my brother was killed by a cursed spirit. Well that part i figured but the next i wouldn't have guessed. He was killed by a cursed spirit my parents had created, apparently they had made him their test subject. And apparently they wanted to make me their test subject as wellbut they couldn't, it seems that nobara coming into my life has actually saved me. She would've noticed it, the experiments, if they had been done on me and my parents knew. No wonder that they never liked her.

Turns out that my parents had been studying cursed spirits and their powers. They wanted to see if they could take the powers or merge with the cursed spirits though every method they found so far seemed to be painful and horrible. Yuji had also peaked their interest since he had become sukunas vessel, which was something noone wouldve thought was possible.

So you can kinda guess what they did.

They tried to do the same thing but... they didn't survive it.

I can't believe they did all that for power. I mean i can but geez... its going a bit far...

And especially since they have done experiments and stuff on mulitple people. Not just my brother.

"Holy shit"

"Is it that bad?"

Gojo had a worried look on his face.

"Yeah well... kinda. I just can't believe they did all THIS"


A silence fell over the room.


Ichi spoke up.

"Could you tell me about your childhood? And if you can as much as possible... it might help find anything that could become a really big problem for us"

I sighed. I guess i got no choice... i want to keep everyone safe and if telling a sad little story will help with that, i will tell it.

Triggerwarning. Mention of abuse.

"As a child my parents were always saying stuff like: well you could choose to not do that but that would make me very unhappy when i just really didn't want to do something. And not just silly things like washing the dishes and stuff... more like putting my life in danger, or embarrassing myself just to please my parents. It was extremely annoying. My parents have always just been manipulative like that. And not just that, if a little of 'convincing'  with words didn't work, they just 'convinced ' us a different way. I wasn't covered in bruises, the first convincing was usually enough because i knew what 'talking back' and protesting against stuff would get me. And always just in the right places or just not enough for a bruise to form. And thats for what i DO remember. To be conpletely honest with you... i dont even remember half of my childhood. Just mostly some of the bad things. And then there's my brother. He seemed a lot happier when he aas younger for what i can remember. Different too. In his last year alive he had this.... personality change. He seemed so absent and easily annoyed too. I really didn't know what it was. Oh and i just remembered  my parents were always bringing weird stuff home and were sneaking around a lot and sketchy shit like that... sometimes i felt these... weird bursts of cursed energy happen near me but i never figured out what it was"

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