chapter 6.

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Gojo went and sat on the side of (y/n)s bed.

He looked at her and a small smile appeared on his face. Even if he hadn't known her for long he was happy to have me around, he felt comfortable and happy around her. It felt so natural to him. On top of that he couldn't get yesterday evening out of his head. She had been so kind ever since he met her. Even if it had only been a short while, it felt like he had known her his whole life, it didn't make sence to him.

All he knew is that he liked the feeling he had when she was around so far.

He tucked a hair strand which was in her face behind her ear.

She really was fast asleep, it couldn't be helped he was going to try the sleeping beauty technique, they needed her on a mission today so he had to try.

Gojo leaned in toward her face.

"Huh gojo... what are you doing here?"

It worked, he woke her up.

"Oh that...  i came here to wake you up, you were very vast asleep you know"

She smiled at him "oh im sorry, i know its difficult to wake me up"

Nobara walked back into the room as she heard her sister was awake.

"Ugh finally you're awake. You know how long i tried to wake you up! You didnt even flinch when i trew water in your face...
Now im curious though. What did you do to wake her up?"

"Well i used a cursed technique i call sleeping beauty to wake her. Its very effective but i need to focus on the right spot to make sure it works. Thats why i needed you to not be in the room you see. So i would have absolute focus"

"Ah i see... Well start with that next time! Would have spared us 'bout half an hour!"

"Geez it really took you that long to wake me up?! "

"Yeah it did, you sleepyhead" Nobara said.

"I guess we should call you sleeping beauty now"

(Y/n) blushed at gojos comment, and just akwardly smiled.

"Please dont call me that"

"Hmm.... I'll think about it. Now go and get ready i expect all of you infront of the school in 2 hours"

A little less then two hours later i was sitting on my bed making some sketches in my sketchbook. I occasionally enjoy making art, though i don't really feel like im good at it. I had gotten a shower after gojo and my sister left and decided to kill some time with this. So here i am with absolutely zero concept of time making a drawing of (favorite anime character).

When i finished i looked at the time and discovered that i was almost late. So i ran out of my room toward the entrance of the school, only to trip over a stupid rock.

Well fuck.... i thought as i was falling.

And i fell flat on my face, i did catch myself a little with my arms but that doesn't mean my fall didn't hurt a little.

"It looks like you just fell for me" i heard gojo say. "Are you okay? "

"Yeah im fine. My hands and arms hurt a little from taking most of the fall but it is what it is" I sat on the ground wiping some sand off my knees and arms.

"Ah watch -.... Out... "

Someone bumbed into gojo so hard that he fell...

Right on top of me, now having us in the akward position where he was INBETWEEN my legs. His arms on both sides next to my head. His face just a centimeter away from my face. I could feel his hot breath on my lips.

"(Y/n).. "He said in a deep voice.

We didn't even get a chance to part. The person who bumbed into him had almost managed to get his balance back, but then he almost fell dropping a bag right onto gojo. It wasnt that heavy but.

I felt gojos lips press against mine.

The bag was the thing that closed the small gab that was left between him and me.

His lips were warm and soft, our accidental kiss lasted a few seconds as we were both still processing both falls, the bag falling and well obviously the entire position we were in.

Then gojo broke the contact, he was a little shocked at the events that had just happened. His other students had seen it all happen too. Everyone was schocked. Then nobara giggled "you guys make a cute couple"

The pair on the ground blushed at the comment.

Gojo was still hovering over me. "Are you okay? I kinda fell on you huh"

"Y-yea-h i- im fine. You?"

"Im great, i had a soft landing~
Hope i didn't crush you though"

"Oh no you're not that heavy, its okay"

I swear im as red as a tomatoe right now.

Gojo got up and offered me a hand.

I took it and stood up, we were now kind of akwardly looking at eachother.

"Hey lovebirds, stop staring at eachother and come over here already. We have a mission to do"

And so we went on the mission.

Both gojo and me still with the contact on loop in our minds.

We didn't say a word about it though and went our separate ways again when we finished our mission.

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