chapter 13

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(I found that fanart in the pic above somewhere on pinterest and i love it soo much so i thought id show it to yall. Though i was unable to find the artist so if the artist wants me to delete or something i will)

"Oh that, yeah he got his food. He did say he had somewhere to be and was in a rush so if you went to find him after me..." You know, like a liar.

"Ah i see, im glad he didn't make you go and bring him food for nothing"

"He didn't, don't worry about it fushi"

"Then its okay"


"Hey fushi can you get that pack of rice for me, i can't reach it"

"Sure" He reaches over me and takes a pack of rice. I never really realized how much taller he is than me. Or just feels that much taller.

"Here you go"

"Im really sorry to ask but.. I actually need two packs" I say akwardly. He goes and takes another pack, having his figure reaching over me. He was really close now.

"Here you go, times two" He says subtly smiling as he puts down the second pack of rice in the cart.

"Thank you fushi"

"You can just call me megumi now, gojo does it all the time anyway and i mind you calling me that less than him too"

"Okay well then megumi, lets go get the rest of my ingredients" He nodded and we went to get the rest of the ingredients, i paid and we then left the store.


"Hey fushi lets go through that park on our way back. It looks really nice doesnt it?"

"Oh sure" He said. We then proceeded to walk into said park. The park was actually bigger than i expected it to be and it was more beautiful than i expected. I've always liked being surrounded by nature, and have always found taking walks quite relaxing. One of the few good things my mom gave me i guess. As we were walking i saw a bench not too far a way, and i thought it would be a nice spot to have a small break.

"Lets go and take a break there megumi" I said pointing to the bench. He nodded. The closer we walked the more of a beautiful scenery revealed itself. The bench looked over quite a big pond, there were loads of pretty flowers and ducks swimming around. How nice. We sat down here for a while in silence. Not an akward silence, just nice enjoyment of the vieuw peace and quiet. Till megumi broke it.

"What are you going to make with all this? Its quite a lot too"

"I know i want to just make one big batch of food. I know its probably going to be pretty time consuming considering that cooking rice can cost almost half an hour. But i enjoy cooking so its fine. As for what im making... Im making sushi and onigiris, a cake and mochis"

"That sounds tasty but also like a lot of work, you sure you're up for that?"

"Don't underestimate me megumi" I gave him a smile. "Don't you dare think that ill burn down the kitchen. That only happened when my cousin tried to bake cookies, and since my cousin is not me..."

"There will be no cookies?" He said jokingly.


"Just kidding, i know.. No burned kitchen. Im sure you have it all under control"

"Thank you"


We got back 15 minutes later and immediately went to the kitchen to put stuff in the fridge and unpack all the ingredients. Megumi was kind enough to help me with that too.

"Thanks gumi" I gave him a hug (yes we are a hug person, deal w it).

"No problem, i don't mind helping you out. But im going to go now ok?"

"Sure, i need to start with my cake now anyway. Thanks again" Megumi left and just as i had gathered everything i needed to make cake i got a phone call. I alreadt absolutely hate calling, but the person who was calling me makes it even worse.

"Hi, what is it?"

"Thats no way to speak to your father now is it?"

"Sure, whatever. Now why are you calling me?"

"How are you doing in school, i hope your results will be good"

"Im doing fantastic, and thats exactly how my results will be as well" I say sarcastically and annoyed. Though i am planning on being better than my dad. I just know he simply doesn't actually care about how im doing, just cares about the result and his image.

"Good to hear. Found a fiance yet?"

"Are you serious right now?"

" Very. You need to get married soon. It is important for us and the cla....."

I hung up. I was so done with this guys bullshit. Im 21, let me live. On top of that, im good being single right now and definitely not looking for a relationship. And it doesn't help that my parents have been pushing me and are constantly telling me i need to marry. And to a sorcerer, cause its bad for the clan and their image otherwise. How annoying right?

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