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Harry took a seat, crossing his legs next to Tom, the wolf approached the child and put his head in his hand, who felt the rough and dirty fur of the poor animal, which reminded him of the neighbor's dog from Dursley, a brown one with a beautiful fur, he reached out and took his wand, and after a few minutes, and a few rinsing and cleaning spells the wolf's fur was glowing, soft and richly scented, now Harry caressed the animal. Which drew back and began to deform until it became human.

— I should have known— he murmured looking at Tom who shrugged, the gray-eyed man bowed to the blue-eyed, but he denied.

— Harry, listen to me— Tom got up and put his hand on Black's shoulder.

— He already knows it wasn't your fault, and he know whose fault it is, he also knows about the director— Riddle said with a proud expression.

— Does he know the...?— Sirius stopped talking when he saw Tom's murderous look, leaving the complete and uncomfortable silence

— You look good in green clothes— Black said after a while, Harry nodded.

— Naturally, like all Slytherins— Harry said, while playing with his wand.

— What do you mean Slytherin?— Asked the gray-eyed confused.

— I see that you are somewhat misinformed— the minor scoffed.

— I beg you pardon, it happens that in Azkaban newspapers are a privilege that is granted to us only at Christmas, enlighten me— Black asked.

— Now, it's really strange that there was no article in The Daily Prophet saying that the boy-who-lived is a Slytherin— Harry scoffed at himself.

— Ha, it seemed to me... I was wondering I wasn't able to find your room— Sirius scratched the back of his neck and Tom winked at him, which bothered the minor.

— Tom said you had been in his room— it was a rather indirect question and Sirius smiled.

— Oh that! Just a little... talk, to, you know, catch up... up to date, so long without seeing us— He smiled even more and the younger frowned.

— Were you in bed with him? I mean, did I interrupt something?— he asked with disdain.

— No Harry! We were reliving our days at Hogwarts, and we messed up a bit, besides, Sirius already has his eyes fixed on a man—the blue-eyed scoffed

— Besides, if we had been in bed, what would the problem be?— Sirius scoffed.

— - None, it would just have been something inappropriate, something I would not have liked to see— he lied, trying to push that feeling of jealousy and hatred, and Tom knew it, he noticed it, but he did not say anything, he still had to tell his friend the detail that her godson was her destined partner, so he tried to change the conversation subject...

— Remus knows you are innocent, and Harry brought you a small gift." Tom smiled and the animagus's eyes watered.

— My Moony... he knows... you mean... he really knows it wasn't me? Oh my love! — Sirius smiled and hugged Tom, making Harry's stomach churn. My love? What the actual fuck was that? Nevertheless, Tom seemed unaware of Harry's gaze.

— I have something that may interest you— he spoke, but Sirius denied.

— I am your godfather Harry, I changed your diapers, please, do not treat me in such a formal way— he asked, but was clearly ignored by the minor, since he did not feel comfortable with treating a new acquaintance of your, also, why Black cared so much about him? He could not understand that... in fact, sometimes he could not understand why Tom cared about him either.

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