The painful truth

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When he opened his eyes he was in a room, by himself. The walls were made of black wood, divided into rectangles, which had rectangular reliefs, there was a large bed opposite a window covered by dark green curtains, which matched the bed sheets, which were not only green, they had a silver-colored flowered pattern. The wooden floor creaked under his feet, he had been sitting in one of the four individual chairs that were near the fireplace, which had a bowl of flu powder... That was weird for him, because he had just been kidnapped... There were two options: The person who had kidnapped him was an idiot, or this was not a kidnapping ... He checked next to him, and saw his suitcase, along with his wand resting on the coffee table, so , without thinking twice, he took his wand and cast various spells ... There was no anti-apparition field, no torture spell, the only one there was one to keep the ground at a warm temperature, so, making a Mental review of the dark spells that he knew, he plucked up his courage and opened the door, to come face to face with a dark corridor, through which he walked until it opened on some marble stairs that led downwards, which he continued, but I did not see or feel anything, it was as if people had no ulcer ... if there were people ...

He walked through what appeared to be a large room until he managed to see light, fire, a fireplace crackling in the room, it was then that he could see the first stele in a while ... How long had it been? A knot formed in his throat, but he returned to reality when he felt the magic caress him sharply, his eyes returned to that wake, one that he thought he knew ... but it couldn't be ... so he approached the armchair and sat next to the hooded figure.

— Harry Potter— a harsh voice whispered.

— Who are you and what do you want? Because I am here? What is this place? How long has it been since you arrived? Why am I not tied up? Why do I still have my wand?— The minor questioned confused, the silhouette made a gesture for him to approach, so the green-eyed man sat next to him, looking at the fire

— Ah my name ... yes ... I am the one you called an idiot for sending Crouch into your care— he whispered, and for the very first time, Harry was afraid, he had insulted Lord Voldemort and now he was facing him.

— You might be wondering how it is that you have not been able to see the wake of the Death Eater that you had sent to search... And well I would not tell you exactly search ... As I was saying, yes, it turns out that I have a small ... infiltrated like that To say it, which has told me a little about you, was so that I prepared a potion, whose function is to temporarily make the core transparent ... in such a way that your little gift was not very useful— he explained in his voice with a touch of mocking, still whispering.

Harry used to control his temper, since from a very young age he had learned that screaming and making noise was useless at all, also he was a calculating person who liked to be in control. And, on occasions like this, when he did not have it, he used to weave a plan at the time ... But the problem is that he was so furious that he could not avoid the outbreak of magic, he felt his magic saturate the environment ... The green-eyed man felt a hideously bitter taste in his mouth, his chest felt hot, and a nauseating burning in his throat. He had trusted stupid Tom and he had told Voldemort everything! But of course! From the beginning his intention had been that, Tom had never been interested in him, it was obvious... With a non-verbal Evanesco, he made the tear that is about to drain from his eye disappear, he was not going to cry for that idiot, No way! He didn't deserve it! He wasn't worth it! He felt used, dirty, for having fallen in love with a son of a bitch like that, but he would not cry, he would not give her the satisfaction, he would learn from his mistake and it would be better. Riddle had been an unhappy bastard, and he could go to hell, him and his beautiful blue eyes...

— Do not be angry, I know what you are feeling at this precise moment, and no, Tom did not betray him, he only hid part of the information because he was still small and he would not be able to understand it, but now I will tell you the truth ... I'm sorry I lied to you since the day we met, my name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, you already know that, I have never lied to you about that, but I am also known as Lord Voldemort... My real name is Tom Riddle to dry, Marvolo is a second name that I added in my fourth year, which works as an anagram, of the phrase "I am lord Voldemort— I really regret not having told you... And yes, the owls you sent, the ones that Voldemort answered you, I answered them, well I am both people, we are the same person. Sorry for the way they brought you, I think I had been quite specific with Rabastan about been careful... But he will receive his deserved punishment— explained the pale figure, which little by little took the form of the Tom Riddle that the minor had seen so many times in his dreams ...

Harry was hurt, annoyed with himself for allowing himself to be so fickle, emotions were nothing more than a weakness and a waste of time, but still he was allowing himself to get entangled in them like a silly child, the son of a bitch had been four fucking years old. to tell you the truth. But also, not only had he been kidnapped, but Tom had almost five! But he had decided to tell her when he was almost fifteen! Not that he really cared that he was Voldemort, he didn't care at all! It bothered him that after everything Harry had told him, he hadn't had the ability to trust him to tell him the truth about his person. That's what made him angry! He understood his motives and, although he did not want to seem like a capricious child, he believed that he had at least won this argument, so all he did was fold his arms and look at the fireplace pretending anger, when what he felt was pain No trust me, he thought.

Tom knew Harry was upset, he had every right to be, in fact if someone he trusted had lied to him for five years he would be furious too, he would probably have dismembered him before he could even speak, but Harry was a very person. more sensible and he knew he wouldn't do that... He was furious at the idiot Rabastan, who hadn't understood the part about not shaking him. The red-eyed one put a hand on the green-eyed thigh making the latter's heart pound, but admonishing himself for being so childish ...

— I'm really sorry Harry, I didn't want to lie to you, but I didn't have many options, I couldn't tell you the truth with eleven years just arriving in the magical world and tell you "Hi, I'm Poer Burke, not in fact my name is Tom Riddle, but at the Maybe I'm Lord Voldemort, the one that everyone thinks your parents murderer and most likely you too, but relax I don't want to hurt you. For Merlin Harry! Do you realize how stupid he would have dreamed? That was why I didn't tell you, I needed to know what you believed in order to later know whether to tell you the truth or not, and in what way to tell you— Harry understood, obviously he did, but he was still hurt, Tom didn't trust in the? It hurt a part of him to think that the older man did not trust him, but the rational part of him told himself that he should not feel bad about it, since he only needed himself and that people always did. it was going to disappoint.

— Lord Voldemort or not, I, am not an idiot, believe me I understood you perfectly the first time, but you don't think I have at least a little right to be angry, or to want to think a bit, or to be alone. I'm not upset! Good? Does it make you feel better? I am not upset! I'm just trying to think because you couldn't just hold my hand at school, lead me to a disused classroom, and tell me the truth! If I understand that my smallest self may not have believed you, but since I turned twelve my actions would have been completely different, and you should know better than anyone, because it was you who was with me in all those years! It was you who has protected from the director! But what really bothers me is that you have already spent five years with me, and you have not been able to realize the way I would have operated if you had come directly to me! But you are like the others, you don't care at all! You were only like that in the period when you needed me, and like everyone else, when you stop needing me, you will leave me. So you'll answer all my questions, and then, I don't care about your opinion, I'll go to bed— Harry demanded.

— And answering your previous questions: you know who I am... This place ... well, it's my private mansion, the headquarters I use with the Death Eaters is Malfoy Mannor, where we are now is Riddle Mannor, to which they only have access the Death Eaters of the inner circle, or, better known as, The Order of the Augurey, is the order that fights against the stupid order of the burnt chicken, and why I need you here, it's simple, we are going to fake your kidnapping and I need you— He explained and the minor nodded.

"I need you" the words echoing in his head, he did not say "I love you", or "I would like your help", no, Tom had said "I need you" Harry was right and he knew it, human relationships were based on need, and Tom needed him for his "kidnapping" Well, so be it, Harry would use him, needed him, to have sex. He got up and left there, leaving the blue-eyed man with the word in his mouth, who smiled when he saw that the child had already left, it was obvious that he was going to go to his room without even saying goodbye. Room in which the minor completely collapsed, furious, disappointed, sad. "He had promised me that he would not lie to me again, and he did, he was doing it all this time" the air did not reach the green-eyed man's lungs, which was clenching his throat tightly, because he could not breathe, he felt horribly miserable. "He lied to me again, he lied to me, and he broke his promise" Harry thought, and then fell unconscious on the floor of the room.

While Tom reflected downstairs, Harry was right, indeed, he had spent his last five years meeting and living with him, so his actions had really been stupid, as well as thinking that he would go to the director, Tom, Right now he wanted nothing more than to give himself a good kick, but he took a drink of Fire Whiskey and went to bed, he would talk to his Harry early tomorrow.

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