Poer Burke II: Second Year

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It was again the first of September, but this time in 1992, which indicated that Harry was starting his second year, but of course, more advanced than the rest, with knowledge of a fourth year. Unfortunately he had spent the holidays in a room in the Leaky Cauldron, and although he had asked for one of the best, he still could not move into one of his mansions, he had just "appeared in the magical world" and could not move so many pieces together without you raise suspicions, which meant, that he should move slowly, which had had him quite annoyed, but the point was not that, by luck, in the dark if there had been light, since he had had the possibility, to go out to the library to read almost every day, plus he had taken the opportunity to take a walk through the library of Knocturn Alley, and the last weeks had been spent perfecting some potions and spells ...


While elsewhere, Dumbledore was beyond angry. He was angry! The Potter boy already had the stupid invisibility cloak! Not to mention that he had given no indication of wanting to try to rescue Voldemort's philosopher's stone, he had taken it upon himself to leave clues in the library, but the boy passed them all by! And that was not the worst, no, the worst, was that he got together with Malfoy and Avery He had to accommodate the many in his favor, to be able to keep the Potter boy at bay, or else, his main plan would fail. Also, Voldemort hadn't appeared all year. While Poer Burke had seemed to him a wonderful subject, very cultured, since having traveled all over the world, he knew everything, a true lover of white magic, disowned by the Burke for not wanting dark magic, poor man... ah... another pawn in their ranks, he was literally a daydreamer, always making his students smile, and Harry seemed to like him and of course he was going to take advantage of that. Maybe I could get some information out of him about the Potter boy...

However, Potter had had to spend his vacation with his Muggle uncles, so he should feel bad, and sad about the hatred they gave him, but it was not like that and that definitely worried him, in fact, he was beginning to suspect that he was being protected ... But that was impossible! He was a silly boy raised by Muggles who hated magic and everything related to it, it was impossible for him to know about the Wizarding World before he was eleven, and the cherry on the cake was that the damn brat was diligent and had the best grades Well, besides being a Slytherin, so the plan to have him with Ronald Weasley had failed miserably, and Mudblood was not a viable option, he already had his friends ... Unless he used Burke to get to Harry, and thus know his schedules, to even try, intercept him, or know his favorite foods, to slip a little compulsive potion, or obedience ... Each time he resembled Lily, her cunning, her character, sometimes he even reminded Tom Riddle, or well, Voldemort, with his calculating and cold eyes ... so much so that he had come to think that Lily had had an affair with him and that the boy was not a Potter but a Riddle ... but the boy didn't speak Parseltongue, plus Lily was Muggle-born, Tom would never have lowered himself to such a thing ...

So he sighed when Flitwick's patronus arrived, warning that the first years had arrived. He put on his purple robes and went to the salon watching Harry whisper and pointing out Slytherin people, and suppressed a shudder as he sat in the middle of the staff table, watching as the new ones were selected.


A little over a month had passed since Harry's second year had started, and by this time, he already had about nine followers, whom he trained and helped, to push them to the limit. Luckily, and, so far, the most serious injury had been during the dueling lessons, and it had been a small thing, Rosier had cut off a finger, and, thank you that Harry had all kinds of potions for those things, so in less than a minute the finger was already there again.

More luck had Harry, since there was no one who followed the bad example of Alessio, who had tried to make fun of him, it was already more than obvious that he was not someone you wanted to mess with, not unless they wanted to get hurt ... His mind had been wandering about the past year as he walked through the corridors, since Professor Burke had sent for him, and, when he wanted to realize it, he had arrived at his professor's office, so he knocked on the door, and, having heard the affirmative, he entered, closing the door behind him, while the professor served tea for both of them.

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