Barty Crouch Jr. II

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Harry had never been more bored in his life, the entrances of both schools had been too exaggerated, those of Beauxbatons, with their little dance, and their butterflies, and those of Durmstrang with their pirouettes and their great fire animal. Although Harry knew he should give them credit, that fire thing was pretty amazing, not to mention how attractive the guys were with those red coats and that Bulgarian accent. They had gone to the Ravenclaw table, and, luckily for the green-eyed, they had chosen the Slytherin table, so he had been able to observe them better ... And the fire was not the only big thing in them ... And, removing that entrance, the afternoon had passed quite calmly, because, due to the arrival of the schools, the classes had been canceled, and everything was going well, until Professor Moody sent him to call his office, confirming his suspicions, telling him that, indeed, someone had tried to put Harry's name on the chalice, and that he had prevented it.

— Oh! Congratulations Crouch! Can I get you chocolate cake? Want a pat on the back? I already told Voldemort that I don't need to be taken care of, I can do it alone! In addition, what is the obsession that the man has of him for me? I already know everything I need to know, and if you think, for a second that you can buy me with a bodyguard, tell him it's wrong, I don't follow anyone, they follow me— he said with annoyance, while Barty laughed. Hell the boy did have his character!

— I know Potter, it is not to my liking to be taking care of your pompous butt, but I do not question the orders of my lord— said the elder.

— Why do you do it? What does he give you in exchange for your sacrifice and loyalty? Does he really treat you as you deserve?— He asked relaxed, letting his enveloping magic flow, perhaps he could bring him to his side... If With that he would fuck Voldemort, he'd do it, besides, he'd be winning a Crouch ...

— I do it, because everything is part of a greater plan, of a better purpose, because my father turned his back on me, because he never wanted to see the right side, because he is blinded by the power, the money and the corruption that is in the Ministry of Magic. And he has been like a father to me, he has cared and supported me, in exchange for my loyalty, and it helps, in addition, I fully support his cause, it is not much if you think about it — Barty explained

— Indeed— Harry spoke, drumming his fingers against the desk. —But that does not mean that you should be taking care of my fucking ass every day, I tell you that the same thing I said to him, I know how to take care of myself, and even if I didn't know I have people that my back with pride— he said, puffing up his chest.

— - I do not doubt it, and in fact, you remind me of him, I was a few years older than your father, and I saw my lord at school, you are very similar to him, in the way you move and act, only that He was more cruel and cold, he went down a not very successful path, until he accidentally ran into a group of Gryffindors, whom he began to frequent more and more, secretly, of course, among them were your father and mother , and that's when his plans took more strength, and gave more and better results, because they weren't the same anymore, they had good foundations, so that way, I managed to get more people— Barty commented.

— Well, if you don't question it, get your crazy eye out of me and go ... I don't know ... do adult things— said Harry with a mixture of disgust and mockery that made the older man burst into loud laughter

— Y-you mean ... k-kissing, and y-have sex! The older laughed and the green-eyed nodded. —So y-you have never ever kissed anyone? Not a girl? Or boy? A-are you a virgin?!— He said again with a laugh.

— I do not have to give you explanations, so do not go overboard, it is my thing to how many people I have kissed— the least annoyed spoke

— I had them waiting for me on a line, and they screamed for me, I gave them just how they liked— he strutted with an arrogant smile.

— Aha, yes— replied Harry, rolling his eyes, with obvious disgust

— Uh... you w-wait, you said "How many people" So... do you like boys?— The hazel-eyed one questioned mischievously

— You try to take care of my butt, not knowing what I'm doing or not with it— he answer annoyed.

— Oh! Come on boy! Death Eaters are so boring, in spite, who am I going to tell ?! I'm not going to judge you because you like to get screwed from behind— he mocked with a wink.

Sectum— a large clean cut appeared on the older man's face making him moan, while the crimson liquid stained his face, his robes and the ground.

— Close your mouth if you don't want another one like it— warned the minor.

— Damn you! Ah! But you would certainly like that— Barty scoffed, covering the wound

Atabraquium— the older one fell to his knees, with red ribbons wrapping his arms around the sides of his body. The green-eyed made his clothes disappear, leaving him in his underwear —Silence— he murmured, smiling. —Crucio— Harry watched as the older man's body shuddered, in screams silenced by his enchantment, while he threw his head back and forth, his eyes tightly clenched.

— I hope you've learned, not to screw me— he said, after a minute, lifting the silencing spell.

— Oh f-for Merlin— the hazel-eyed one groaned, falling to the ground abruptly, having been freed from the curse that kept him bound. —D-do it a-again— he asked

— Ew! You're insane! You disgust me!— Harry yelled wide-eyed, horrified, the Crucio he had thrown at him... It hadn't done any bad, it had only given him pleasure...

— Sectum— a cut was drawn on the elder's chest, and, frustrated, the youngest left, walking at a hurried pace, lest Barty get up and go looking for him... So he ran to the dungeons, and arrived blushed to the common room at seven thirty, missing a time for dinner.

— Master! We thought something had happened to you!— Lestrange spoke.

— Merlin! You had us worried!— Draco said as he ran to check it out with thousands of diagnostic spells.

— I'm fine— was all he said

— Be careful, that Moody gives me a bad feeling, teacher, he is always watching him, he always knows where you are— Pansy complained, but he ignored the comment, and he went to lie down, waiting for dinner time

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