q & a

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okay here are the answers to the q's (i also added in some questions that i found through the book :))


Q: Bestie really fell for a pissbaby, why?

A: I have no idea. Someone please save me.

Q: Favorite memort with Dream?

A: Nature walks with him !! Sometimes he puts Patches on a leash and takes her with us :)

Q: Fav date?

A: Definitely beach dates!! Any beach date that we went on were all so fun ! Especially when Sapnap moved in and we tried to drown him !!

Q: Did you actually support Maya when she came out? You seemed a little dissapointed :/

A: Of course I supported her!! She was my best friend and I wanted her to be happy :)


Q: Why do you piss the bed >:/


Q: Favorite memory with Nicole.

A: Watching her paint. She is incredibly talented, even though she says she isnt. I like when she gets so focused on her work that she completely blocks out the world around her.

Q: When did you know you fell in love?

A: I knew for sure the moment that Quackity called me and told me that he trusted me with her. I had never felt so happy in my life.

Q: George or Nicole.

A: Neither. I choose sapnap.


Q: Why arent you married to Dream? Its okay with Nicole.

A: Because I'm marrying Callahan. At least he doesn't complain when I sleep in.

Q: Are you upset that you weren't Dreams best man?

A: Not at all! I'm actually very relieved. I don't know how I would have managed all the attention and stress.

Q: Why didn't we get any George x Wilbur content???

A: Because I don't like him. He makes me feel short.


Q: why are you short?


Q: Why are you flat?

A: I'm not. Have you seen my ass?

Q: Why are you so protective over Nicole?

A: She's like a little sister to me. I feel like she needs a little more support than she lets on.

Q: Have you ever liked Nicole?

A: Absolutely not. Her eyebrows scare me.


Q: why did you die?

A: Because I'm a #girlboss

Q: How was your date with Kennedy?

A: Amazing! She kissed me.

Q: How long were you in the closet for?

A: Well, first i had to take a few days to really understand it myself, then I told Nicole the MINUTE i firgured it out.


Q: Hand in marrige?

A: Yes. Absolutely.

Q: Favorite One Direction member ?

A: IM A NIALL GIRL. Liam comes in second though.

(due to recent events, liam is no longer even an option and harry is the best)

Q: Sexuality?

A: Im a lesbian!! :)


Okay thats it. bye. love you.

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