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How did you discover Wattpad?

I discovered wattpad from someone who I was following on Instagram I believe


How long have you had Wattpad, and how often do you use it?

I have had wattpad for over 2 years and I have been a write for one year. I use it almost everyday to read and write.


Is there a meaning behind your username?

There's not a specific meaning, just my name and a lucky number.


Why did you start writing? What age did you discover your love for it?

I started writing 4 years ago. I started writing because I love books and always wanted to create my own.


Who are you favourite authors? What are your favourite books? (Books on Wattpad count too!) What is your favourite genre?

I started reading wattpad books for fanfiction, but I now mostly read teen-fiction. My favorite authors are John Green, Laura Godwin and Anna Todd.


Do you want a career in writing?

I'm not sure if I want writing to be a career of mine. I am very tech savvy and plan on doing something technology related.  

Who supports you the most in your writing?




Choose one of your books:


What is your book called? What genre is it? What is it about (2/3 lines)?

My book is called Bride Not To Be. It is about a 16 year old girl who works in wedding planning. She's surrounding by love yet doesn't have any of her own.


What inspired you to write it?

I was inspired by the movie The Wedding Planner. My book is like it only in the sense that she works for weddings but hasn't had one of her own.


How often do you update? When was it last updated?

I update at least once a week if not more. Today is March 11th and the last update was March 10th.


How long are your chapters? Do you think short or long chapters are better?

 I thing my chapter lengths are just about right. I've had people tell me so. They are on average 2500 words.

Are you proud of how well your book has done? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

I am proud of my book. I would love for more reads, I don't have too many, but I'm happy for whatever I can get. I am very appreciative of the people who read BNTB.


Do you have any advice for new authors?

As my advice I say just play around with writing. It shouldn't matter if you're new or have some grammar issues. Everyone starts mediocre anyways! :)

I really enjoyed the book Bride Not To Be. I found the character likable, and could relate to her, especially as she was very down-to-Earth. The book is great for lovers of teen-fiction and romance, but I recommend it to anyone!

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