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I woke up surrounded by a bunch of roots. A place I remembered all too well. I tried to move but felt a burning pain on my wrists. I looked down and saw a rope tying my hands together. I looked to the floor and saw a familiar ash surrounding me. And that's when the vertigo hit.

I looked up and saw a creature with a slashed face staring at me. Suddenly, right before my very eyes, she changed into a beautiful woman, probably in her 20s. She took slow steps towards me, until she was standing at the border of the ash.

"The Darach, I assume?" I smirked up at her when she didn't reply. "Well, you've certainly gone to a lot of trouble to keep me trapped in this cage. Vervain, mountain ash, and the Nemeton. The question is: why? What could you possibly want with me?"

She wore a smirk that matched my own. "There's nothing I would want with you, I'm just the messenger".

"For whom? Who sent you?"

She leaned a little closer. "Celeste".

My eyes widened. "Celeste..."


I had gone to see my good friend Celeste. I had managed to intercept her as she was about to take a bath.

She smiled as soon as she saw me. we exchanged a hug. "(Y/N), what brings you here?"

I faked a smile. "Is it wrong to want to see my friend?"

She laughed that beautiful laugh of hers. It was no wonder my brother was so taken with her. She was kind, beautiful and powerful. I could only hope he would never find out what I was about to do.

"I was about to draw a bath. Would you like to help me?"

I nodded with a smile.

I helped her to the best of my ability. I watched her remove her clothing before she sunk into the warm bath. She leaned back and closed her eyes in relaxation.

I moved behind her and placed my hands on her shoulders. 'I'm sorry'. Letting a single tear fall, I pushed her down.

I could feel her struggling, but I did not let up. I watched my hands glow red as I siphoned her magic so she couldn't use it against me. Only when she stopped moving did I let go.

Before I could mourn her, I heard my brother running towards us, so I sped away before he could see me with her. I could hear his cries of sorrow, indicating that he'd found her body. I gave one last remorseful glance in the direction of that room before I walked away.

End of Flashback

The Darach leaned back and looked at me with amusement. "I don't know what you did, but it must have been bad to incur Celeste's wrath".

I shook my head in denial. "That's not possible! Celeste is dead, I saw to it myself".

"Your mother is the Original Witch. You, of all people, should know how difficult it is to kill such a powerful witch". My eyes widened again. "Why don't you speak to her yourself?" Suddenly, some ash was blown my way and I closed my eyes to shield myself from the ash.

When I opened them, I was in a luxurious room with a bath in the middle. My eyes widened as I realized what room this was.

Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. "Recognise this place?"

I spun around and there was no one there.

When I turned around again, there she was. Celeste, and yet, not. It was her – I could feel it – just in a different body. "This is where you killed me".

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at her. "Do you want me to apologize? I didn't have a choice! Niklaus told me- No, he ordered me to do it. What was I supposed to do?"

"You could have said no!"

I let out a laugh. "Have you forgotten what my brother is like? It was you or me! If I had refused, then I would have ended up with a dagger in my chest!"

She clenched her fists. I was riling her up, I could tell. Suddenly, she took a deep breath and looked at me with a smirk. "You are going to die, you and your siblings, is that all you have to say?"

I took a deep breath. "I hurt you, I get it. But punish me. Rebekah and Elijah have done nothing to you".

She laughed. "Rebekah isn't as innocent as you might think".

I stood on my guard as the scene changed. Suddenly, we were at a hospital. I recognised this hospital from the 1910s, it was the New Orleans Sanatorium.

In front of me stood Rebekah and a woman I recognised as Genevieve. They were arguing. Suddenly, Rebekah grabbed a cloth – which I could tell was infected – and shoved it into Genevieve's mouth.

Suddenly, another woman walked in. I didn't recognise her, but I could feel Celeste's energy coming from her. Rebekah grabbed the cloth and shoved it into the woman's mouth, infecting them both.

Before I could see what happened next, the scene changed back to the bathroom.

I sighed. "Okay, so Rebekah hurt you as well, but Elijah's done nothing to deserve your hatred".

"He is just as guilty as the rest of you!" I could feel the anger resonating from her.

I shook my head. "All he's ever done is adore you! He even respected your wishes and hid your remains so the coven wouldn't consecrate them".

She turned away, clearly ignoring my words. "Do you have any last words?"

I groaned in frustration. "I should've consecrated your remains when I had the chance!" Before I could lunge at her, the scene disappeared and I woke up back under the Nemeton.

I saw the Darach smirking at me. "Did you have a nice chat?"

I glared at her. "How long do you plan to keep me down here?"

"Until I need you". Without giving me any more information, she walked out, leaving me with my head hanging low.

A/N: Sorry it's so short, I didn't know what else to add.

Teen Wolf X TVD (Stiles Stilinski X Reader) Book 2 [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now