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The battle with Gerard was over. We were headed back to Derek's house. When we got there, there was a symbol painted on the door, a symbol I recognised from the stories I'd heard over the past 6 years.

Isaac was the only one who was confused.

"You haven't told him everything yet, have you?" Peter said with a smug look on his face.

Derek and I exchanged looks.

When neither of us said anything, Peter took it upon himself to tell Isaac what was going on. "Why do you think Derek was in such a hurry to build his pack? So eager to strengthen his power and his number? When there's a new alpha, people take notice".

"People like who?" Isaac asked, still confused. He walked up to the door and pointed at the symbol. "What is this? What does this mean?"

"It's their symbol, and it means they're coming," Derek answered, walking up to him.



Isaac raised his eyebrows. "More than one?"

"It's the Alpha pack," I answered, glancing at the floor.

"And they're not coming, they're already here". Peter pointed at me. "You need to leave town".

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You're joking".

He walked up to me. "I remember what it was like 6 years ago. Now that my sister isn't here to maintain the peace between you two, he's going to come after you".

I looked at him with challenge in my eyes. "Let him come. I'm immortal, I can't die".

"He'll find a way".

"I'd like to see him try. In the meantime, Erica and Boyd are missing and I'm going to help you find them". I walked away before anyone had the chance to say anything.

Erica and Boyd were supposed to leave in search of a new pack, but they ended up getting captured by Gerard. After he was defeated, we checked the basement where Stiles said he saw them, but they were gone. Since then, there'd been no trace of them.

Four months later

Scott and Allison broke up right after that fight and as his best friends, it was mine and Stiles' duty to make him feel better. Although, I don't know why he thought getting a bloody tattoo would be a good idea.

We were currently in a tattoo parlour watching as Scott sat in the chair waiting for the tattoo artist. He wanted to get a tattoo of two circles.

"You ain't got a problem with needles, do you?" the tattoo artist asked.

Scott shook his head.

Stiles raised his hand. "I tend to get a little squeamish, though, so..." Then he fainted.

I immediately stepped behind him and caught him before he hit the ground. He grabbed onto me to regain his balance as I helped him up.

It was then that I noticed how close we were, our faces inches from each other. I felt my heart rate increase as my cheeks started to heat up a little.

"Thanks," he said, breathing heavily.

We both awkwardly let go of each other and turned back to Scott, who was looking at us with his eyebrows raised.

After that, Scott had to get his arm bandaged up over the tattoo to give it time to heal. We had just gotten in the jeep when he started groaning in pain. He took off the bandage and we watched as it completely healed up. We all looked at each other in confusion.

Teen Wolf X TVD (Stiles Stilinski X Reader) Book 2 [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now