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Stiles insisted on remaining at the hospital. I was still worried about him and wanted to stay with him. I was fully prepared to compel the hospital staff but he insisted that he was okay. I was ready to argue but seeing the bags under his eyes stopped me. I reminded myself that the most important thing right now was for him to get some rest. Reluctantly, I went home instead. If only I had known what a terrible mistake that would be...

That night, I had a nightmare-

Stiles was in a room. It seemed familiar, but it wasn't his bedroom. He was lying on the floor, crying in pain. As I was about to walk up to him, I heard movement. I spun around and saw a shadow move quickly across my field of vision. I spun around again and saw it. That revolting creature with his razor-sharp teeth and bandages wrapped around its entire face. The Nogitsune. Before I could say or do anything, I was flung back.

I woke up with a gasp. I looked beside me to see Rebekah sleeping soundly. I shook her awake.

Eventually, her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me with a slight glare.
Before she could ask, I jumped into an explanation. "Something's wrong. I think Stiles is in trouble".

She propped herself up with one arm and gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?"

Ignoring her, I dialled Stiles' number. It rang for a while before going to voicemail. I tried four more times, all yielding the same results.

As I was about to try a 6th time, my phone lit up and Scott's name showed up on the screen. Immediately, I answered, "what happened?"

Scott paused for a while before eventually replying with, "how did you know?"

"Call it a hunch..." was all I replied with.

Instead of replying to my vague answer, he answered my question. "Stiles is missing. He called me, he sounded like he was in trouble. I think he's hurt".

"I had a dream," I decided to tell him. "He was in a room. It seemed familiar to me, but I'm not sure where from yet. He looked like he was hurt and scared". My eyes widened as I remembered that face. "Scott, the Nogitsune was there".

The line went silent for a while. "Okay, meet me at Stiles'".

I nodded. "I'll wake Isaac up and tell him what's going on and the three of us will meet you there". Then I hung up.

After we hung up, I turned to Rebekah, now fully awake and looking at me with concern. "Wake Isaac up, tell him what's going on. I'm going to try calling Stiles again". She nodded, then leapt out of bed and raced out of the bedroom.

I lost count of the amount of times I called Stiles. I continued to call him while I made my way down the stairs and out the front door.

As I was about to get in my car, I heard a soft, "Hello?"

My eyes widened and I looked to Isaac and Rebekah, who were just exiting the house.
"Stiles?" I confirmed, my voice shaky. Isaac and Rebekah stopped in their tracks.

"(Y/N), help me". Stiles said into the phone.

I focused my attention on the phone call. "Stiles, do you know where you are right now?"

"I don't know, it's dark. I can't move, there's something wrong with my leg..." I could hear how scared he was.

I placed my hand over my mouth to stop from crying and leaned against my car. I swallowed to try and swallow the tears. "Okay, can you see anything at all? Anything that might be able to tell us your location?"

There was a pause. "Uh, I think I'm in some sort of basement? It looks industrial". There was a shuffling and then his voice dropped to a whisper. "(Y/N), I have to go, I think there's someone else with me. If anyone can find me, it's you. I have faith in you. I love you". Then the line went dead, leaving me with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open.

Teen Wolf X TVD (Stiles Stilinski X Reader) Book 2 [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now