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I wasn't sure how long I'd been under the Nemeton. Days, weeks, months. It became hard to keep track.

The Darach continued to drain my magic using the Nemeton. She also kept me weak by only giving me a few drops of blood a day and kept me from escaping by keeping the mountain ash around me.

One night, the Darach came to see me. Without a single word, she stepped over the mountain ash and injected me with vervain, causing my already weak state to lose consciousness.

I woke up in a classroom at the school, tied to a chair with rope that burned my skin. I could hear music. I looked outside to see the moon shining down on us.

I turned to the Darach with a glare. "What are we doing here? I thought you were going to kill me".

"I am. But first, you are going to be bait to lure those precious friends of yours". Then she placed a gag around my mouth that I could tell was also laced with vervain.

My eyes widened. I start struggling, trying to break free, but the effects of the Nemeton were still affecting me.

Before long, Lydia walked in. Her eyes widened when she saw me. She took a step towards me, but I shook my head frantically, trying to warn her of the trap set on her, causing her to stop in her tracks. And that hesitation almost cost her, her life.

Suddenly, the Darach appeared out of the shadows and hit her across the face, knocking her to the ground.

A moment later, she woke up in a chair. I noticed she was bleeding where she hit her head.

I hadn't noticed how hungry I was until I saw the blood. I had to look away for fear of losing control on my friend. By the way the Darach smirked at me, I could tell she knew as well.

I saw the Darach winding a cord around an object I couldn't quite make out.

"What are you doing?" Lydia asked, weakly.

"What's necessary," she replied. "I'm still surprised none of you seem to get that. You call them 'sacrifices,' but you're not understanding the word. It's derived from the Latin sacrificium, 'an offering to a deity, a sacred rite. A necessary evil'".

She walked behind Lydia. "But you, Lydia? You're not a sacrifice. You're just a girl who knows too much. Actually, a girl who knew too much". Then she wrapped the chord around Lydia's neck.

Lydia started to struggle, causing the Darach to struggle as well, buying us some time.

I managed to remove the gag from my mouth, letting it fall around my neck. I ignored the burning pain of the gag as I locked eyes with Lydia. "Lydia, scream!" I had heard Scott and Isaac. I knew that if Lydia screamed the way a banshee normally does, they would hear and come running.

So she screamed. I swore it almost caused my ears to bleed.

A moment later, the door flew open and my eyes widened when Sheriff Stilinski walked in with his gun pointed at Jennifer.

The Darach simply threw a dagger at the sheriff, striking him in the chest just below his right shoulder. The knife did not penetrate deeply but remained stuck in.

Scott arrived and let out a roar. The werewolf and the Sheriff looked at each other before Scott went after Jennifer. She swat him away with ease and apparently injured him badly as blood came pouring from his mouth.

Stiles arrived but Jennifer, showing more ridiculous strength, shoved a desk in front of the door so that he was left out in the hallway.

The sheriff had recovered enough to pick up his gun in his left hand. He levelled it at Blake who walked confidently toward him.

Sheriff Stilinski fired his weapon striking her in the leg. The wound healed immediately.

Ms. Blake grabbed the dagger and lifted the sheriff off the ground while at the same time twisting his left wrist so that he released the gun. She forced him back, slamming him into a stack of chairs at the back of the classroom.

She ripped off the sheriff's badge.

She crushed the badge, folding the metal and dropping it to the floor. She then moved in close to Sheriff Stilinski's face.

She then leaned in and kissed him. During the kiss, the sheriff opened his eyes and saw not Jennifer Blake but the disfigured and slightly slimy face and huge white eye of the Darach.

We watched as Jennifer broke the window and disappeared with the sheriff.

At that moment, Stiles managed to break through, but he was too late. I watched as he stared out the window with heartbreak in his eyes.

After a moment, he turned around and ran up to me. He untied the ropes binding me and offered himself as support.

Instead, I shook my head and used what little strength I had to push him away. "I need... blood". I was worried that if I got too close to anyone before I fed, I would lose control.

He looked around frantically, looking for something to help me. When he came up empty, he turned back to me. "Then use me".

I shook my head again and looked away. "I could hurt you..."

He placed his hands on either side of my face and guided it so I would face him again. "I trust you". Then he rested his chin on my shoulder, exposing his neck to me.

With the smell of his blood and the sound of his veins pulsating, I found myself unable to hold back any longer. I sunk my fangs into his flesh and drank his blood.

It tasted like ecstasy, so sweet. I knew that if I had any more, I wouldn't be able to stop. I reluctantly removed myself. "Thank you," I whispered to him.

He gently helped me up. As soon as I was standing, I wrapped my arms around him and smiled when I felt him return my hug. We eventually pulled away, but didn't let go.

We stared into each other's eyes. The look he gave me was so soft, so compassionate. I felt my breath hitch. I could feel us slowly moving closer to each other, like an invisible magnet.

But before we could close the gap completely, I saw – out of the corner of my eye – Scott tending to a near-unconscious Lydia. I knew I had to help her.

I reluctantly let go and walked over to them. I bit my wrist and let her drink my blood.

"We need to talk to Derek," Scott said once Stiles had reached his side, looking a little disappointed.

I turned to him in confusion. "Derek? Why?"

"He and Ms. Blake have been seeing each other".

I almost threw up in my mouth. "Derek and the Darach? I think I'm going to be sick!"

Stiles nodded. "Yeah, it is pretty gross when you think about it".

Stiles and I locked eyes for a moment before I tore mine away and turned back to Scott. "I'll make sure she's alright". I gestured to Lydia, whose wounds were already healing. "So see Derek, I'll meet you at the loft".

Right before we left, I caught Stiles staring at the broken window, close to tears.

I grabbed his hand and gave him a soft smile. "We will find your father, you have my word". Then I gave him a comforting hug.

When we let go, I grabbed Lydia and walked out, but I couldn't stop myself from glancing at Stiles one last time.

A/N: Aaaaaaand we're back!

Teen Wolf X TVD (Stiles Stilinski X Reader) Book 2 [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now