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As Stiles and I were talking, Scott burst into his room and said something about going to find a dead body. Since I was with Stiles, I got dragged along, silently cursing Scott for ruining my night in with my boyfriend.

On the way, Scott and Stiles caught me up on everything I had missed-

Apparently, Scott's 'jackass' father was trying to get Stiles' father fired and the latter was trying to solve as many of his unsolved cases as possible, now being aware of the supernatural. There was one case, however, that really stuck out to him-

About nine years ago, a family – a mother and her two children – got into a car accident. There were no survivors. The mother and the youngest daughter was brutally mutilated and the oldest daughter – Malia Tate - was seemingly dragged out of the car by a wild animal. Noah seemed to get the idea that maybe a werewolf was responsible.

Before I went to Stiles' house, he and Scott helped Noah investigate the truth, but because of Scott's shaky abilities, they returned empty-handed.

We were scouting Beacon Hills Preserve, trying to find the 'scene of the crime' – the crash site.

Eventually we found it so we each went around it to investigate.

After a second, Stiles drew our attention. "Look at this". I moved around him and saw claw marks on the side of the car. "Animal claws would be closer together, right? A lot closer".

Scott nodded. "Then it was a Werewolf".

I looked inside and saw a half-broken doll sticking out. I picked it up but as soon as I held it up, it spoke. "I'm hungry..."

Stiles jumped ten feet in the air and I burst out laughing.

Suddenly, we heard a growl. We looked up and saw a coyote standing in front of us. We tried to stay as still as possible. I thought it might come after me but instead, it turned and ran away. Scott immediately chased after it.

After they had gone, I shoved the doll into my bag.

Stiles gave me a look that said, 'what are you doing?' so I thought I should explain.

"I'm going to hold on to this for a while. If this belonged to one of the victims, I might be able to use it to figure out what exactly happened here". I looked at him, saw the bags under his eyes and suddenly remembered my little discovery. "Hey, are you okay?"

He nodded, tiredly. "Yeah, I'm just still not getting much sleep".

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. "I won't let anything happen to you," I whispered into his ear.

Before he could ask what I meant, I pulled away and grabbed his hand, leading him away from the crash site. "Come on, let's go find Scott".

On our way to find Scott, we came across a den. In the den, we saw Malia's clothes and some toys scattered around.

My eyes widened. "Get Scott," I ordered, not taking my eyes off the site in front of me.

Stiles nodded and ran off.

Once he was gone, I walked inside. "Now, let's see what really happened all those years ago," I muttered to myself.

I found a shirt in the corner and picked it up. However, I had only been holding it for a second before I saw it:

Three females in a car, the adult driving. The full moon. Glowing eyes. The transformation. The car losing control, swerving off the road into Beacon Hills Preserve. The dead bodies – two dead bodies. A coyote running away from the wreck.

I immediately dropped the shirt. I held my head and staggered back - grabbing onto the wall for balance – as I was brought back to reality.

A second later, I saw two figures running inside. Judging from the look on Scott's face, he had also figured it out. "It's her".

Teen Wolf X TVD (Stiles Stilinski X Reader) Book 2 [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now