17. Father Dearest

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After spending a couple of hours with Reira, Orion came home and saw his father sitting in the living room, his mother was still at work. He put his backpack down and stood there. Both him and his father made eye contact, which felt like forever. His father's eyes looked sore and drained, Orion didn't know what to say. Still sitting on the couch, his father called his name.

"Yes Dad?"

"How are you son?"

Orion's father never asked that question whenever he'd visit. It was odd and he didn't expect it.

"I'm doing well. And you?" He tried to stay calm.

"Your mother and I are getting a divorce. So what do you think?" His father asked aggressively.

Orion looked down.
The lights were dimmed, and there was no sunlight.

"I work my ass off for this family and all of a sudden, your mother wants to end everything." He said.

"You had another kid with your mistress." Orion stated, looking straight into his father's eye. "I mean, what were you thinking?"

His father had a defiant look, "Your mother told me she accepted my mistake when she found out, it's none of your business Orion."

"Yes it is!" Orion said angrily. "Instead of being with us you chose to stay with that homewrecker and daughter of yours."

His father immediately stood up causing Orion to flinch. His father grinned, "Yeah, you better watch what comes out of that mouth."

He calmed his voice, "Dad, why didn't you just leave?"

"Two is better than one." His dad said nonchalantly.

Orion was kind of shocked, disgusted to be exact. His father was never a real man and trying to communicate with him wouldn't change that. All he wanted to do was ask questions to find out the truth.

"So what are we to you? A burden?"

His dad looked to the side as a smile appeared on his face, "You guys are just one of my responsibilities, but after this divorce... I'll be free of you... both of you."

Orion mimicked his father's smile, "That's it? You never cared?"

"Once," Said his father. "Both of you have your issues."

"The issues were caused by you!" He yelled, "God if you just stayed in our lives and showed us you care, we wouldn't be so messed up!"

"Hey! Your mother had many issues before me, constantly claiming to have anxiety, anger issues... complete BS, it was a constant need for attention and you turned out to be just like her!"

Orion's heart broke for probably the millionth time.

...He didn't know what to say anymore, all he could do was look down. After a few minutes, his father went into the kitchen. More time passed by and Orion stood in the same spot with his head facing down causing a puddle of tears to form on their floor. His mother walked into the living room and immediately ran to her son. Calling his name, he wouldn't move. "Reign!" She yelled out to her husband, "Reign! There's something wrong with Orion."

Orion felt paralyzed, the stress and heartache took over his whole body. He heard his mother's screaming in echoes, and there was a loud ringing in his ears.

"Look what you did to our son Diane!"

"What?!" She exclaimed.

All he could hear was more ringing and echoes. He thought of Reira and the accomplishment of today, leading him to breathe deeply and slowly. As the ringing began to fade, he set his head straight, he had the view of his parents fighting.

"A burden?" His mother asked.

"Yes Diane, both of you! You held me back with all your drama and issues." He looked at Orion and saw he was back in a normal state. He walked right over and grabbed a hold of his shirt, "And you, because we had you, everyone pressured me to stay with her!"

Orion had a terrified look.

"Let go of him, Reign!" His mother yelled in tears. She began to pull on her husband, causing him to push her to the ground.

Orion closed his eyes and eventually his father let go of him. He took a deep breath, and without looking at his father, he walked to his mother. "You're okay," he helped his mother up, "Just for tonight, we'll go somewhere else." Orion said calmly.

Reign was angry, "Where do you guys think you're going?"

Orion ignored him as he grabbed his backpack. "Come on mom."

His mother looked lost and in shock but she proceeded to follow Orion.
"It'll just be for tonight Mom." He continued to reassure her.

"Are you going to keep ignoring me?" His father began to sound more aggressive.

"Let's go," Orion told his mother.

"Diane, you better get back here right now!" Reign yelled again, "Orion!"

They were at the front door and they knew Reign was following them.

Orion turned around making eye contact with his father once again, this time, giving him an offensive gesture.

Orion Michaels was sent to the emergency room that night.

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