5. The Real Reira

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Radiant isn't exactly how she describes herself, although it does feel good to know that she has that impression on people. She views herself as the average American teenage girl, but what separates her from everyone else is her mindset of "event + reaction = outcome." How does a young girl have this view of life? Especially at this age?

Reira was adopted from Japan by two loving parents, a therapist and an optometrist, which resulted in her growing up with nice things. She's what you'd call "privileged" and some will say she has the option to never work a day in her life. Yet she still chooses to put her best foot forward in everything she does, and because of that, she's won school awards and a couple of scholarships. Life just seems to be perfect for her.

Moving to this small town was difficult for her, although she knew how to adapt and rise to the occasion, people in her school wouldn't give her the time of day. Reira was a perfectionist, she came off a bit strong to some. She was ahead of the game when it came to academics in this school, and there wasn't any real challenge for her. Doing a project about astronomy was already exciting for her, but having a lot of creative freedom and being partnered up with a guy she's attracted to? It was more than exciting. She felt as though she left an odd impression on the boy, he probably thought she was a weird one, but she brushed that feeling off and went on with her day. Unlike him, she lived life like she was the star of the movie, and in her eyes, the star had to be strong and had to live life with enjoyment. She had no problem going to school dressed up all the time, there was no embarrassment from watching cartoons, she loved poetry, photographs, and the study of the universe held a big spot in her heart.

Reira had everything to be grateful for, one especially being her parents. She likes to believe her father, the therapist, made her the kind, open, and honest person she is today, she understands that not everyone is blessed with a father who is present and emotionally available, and she does wonder who she would be if he wasn't in her life. She credits her adoring mother for giving her the eyes she uses to view life in a positive light despite the obstacles. Every stressful or sad moment, even when experiencing grief, her parents supported her with all of their heart.

Tonight, Reira finished her assignments and spent the rest of her time conjuring up ideas for the project. She knew she should wait, there's more than a lot of time, but she couldn't help it because she really didn't have anything else to do. She decided to make a phone call to her friend, who currently lives abroad.

"You feel all of that after three little conversations?" Her friend asked sarcastically.

"I never said I was in love!" Reira exclaimed.

She knew she liked this boy, but in the back of her mind, she thought it was likely a superficial attraction.

"Is it cause he's attractive?" Her friend asked.

"I mean.. I think he is, but also, he's actually nice to me and I wouldn't mind being friends with him you know? He's mysterious-ish."

"Are you sure you like him? I mean you don't even know him. Maybe you like him cause he's the only person who's been decent to you," Her friend explained

Maybe there was some truth to that, but guys have flirted with her already and have attempted to get her number. Maybe she likes him, not only because he's nice, but he was a challenge for her.

"Actually Rei, since when do you even think about boys?" Her friend laughed.

"I don't know," She said. She took a second and thought to herself, there was a bit of a pause. She seriously says, "I think he's the first guy who actually makes me nervous."

Her friend immediately knew something was up, she knew Reira since they were in diapers and she knew that the word "nervous" isn't in Reira's vocabulary. Reira was a girl who wasn't afraid to voice her feelings, wasn't afraid to say something controversial, and was certainly fearless when it came to boys. Her friend wondered what it is about this particular boy, because to her, Reira described him as a nice but antisocial guy who's too lazy to do a project.

The call ended and Reira was done for the day, she hopped into bed, snuggled under the sheets with the question "what is it with this Ryan boy?"

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