9. Mother Dearest

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"Orion Michaels! It's 11 pm!" His mother shouted as he opened the door to the house. "I can't believe you would stay out this late!"

His mother was yelling but it went from one ear out the other, he was caught in a daze.

"ORION!" She yelled angrily

He looked at her, "I'm sorry mom. I was working on a project and I lost track of time."

"Lost track of time?? Since when do you ever stay out this late- actually since when do you ever go out?" She took a pause, "I just can't believe you'd disrespect me like this!" She exclaimed.

He was not bothered about staying out late but he was bothered by the fact that she expressed anger about his "disrespect" towards her.

"Disrespect?" He asked

She looked at him shockingly with disbelief in her eyes.

"You disrespect me all the damn time mom! You and Dad disrespect me, and disregard me all the time. The night I finally experienced something great..." He began to tear up. "You decide it's time you shout at me?"

His mother's facial expression went from angry to guilty. "You... you still shouldn't stay out late without telling me."

"Why didn't you text me mom? Or ask me where I was going this afternoon?" He asked nonchalantly, "You know I love you. But I'm tired of being ignored everytime I try to have a real conversation...and now I finally got your attention. You don't care about me, I don't think you ever have."

He went straight upstairs and his mother went straight to work. Orion immediately felt guilty and ashamed of the way he presented his true feelings to his mother. He meant everything he said but he knew he could've been more respectful. At the same time, if he did approach her calmly like he always does, she wouldn't have paid attention. He was somewhat caught in a loop but he felt awful. It's just been long since he's opened up to someone and Reira made him feel like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders. Coming home to the woman who's never made him feel heard was hard for him every time, but tonight his mother did hear him. In his mind, he assumed his mother would do some thinking, maybe she would consider changing her ways or at least begin communicating with him. It's going to be hard to face his mother, he didn't know whether she would be confrontational or silent, all he knew was that he finally let out what he's been feeling for years.

The next day, he was at school, tired. He was sitting in the library with puffy eyes and he was about to pass out. Then came Reira. "What happened?" She asked worriedly.

"Nothing. Just parent problems." He said as he couldn't keep his eyes fully open.

"Orion what really happened? You know you can tell me anything." She said

He let out a big sigh, "My mother was really angry at me for coming home late, I got angry at her for calling me disrespectful and I told her she was always disrespecting me. Now I'm getting the silent treatment, but it all feels the same"

"Orion.." She said looking down. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." He yawned. "I'm just so tired..."

She looked at him and felt sorry for him. "I hope you know things will get better." She tried to reassure him. He looked like a mess but he still tried to act like he was okay in front of her.

"I know" He let out a faint smile. And he took a nap for the rest of his free period.

The Radiant ReiraOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz