13. Pluto

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"Pluto." He said

Reira looked at him, confused. "Uh okay... how are you going to tell your story with Pluto?"

"It's the planet I'm going to relate my story to." He said.

Orion couldn't relate to Earth, the Local Group, Jupiter, or Andromeda, he couldn't even relate to the constellation he was named after. But from his perspective, "Pluto" represented exactly how he felt and how he was treated.

As he was creating his outline, Reira saw his focus and his drive. Although she wasn't sure what message he was attempting to convey, she was interested in what he'd come up with.

He caught her staring at him in which she blushed simultaneously. "Reira, have I really helped you a lot?" He asked

She looked down, "Yeah."

"In what way?" He said

"You helped me with this project, plus, whenever I think of every moment we've spent together, well it puts a smile on my face."

"Oh" He felt flattered. "Well when I was talking to your mom, she said something along the lines of ever since we've been friends you've become more... Then she got cut off. Um... sorry I don't exactly know what I'm asking but, how exactly have I helped you? I mean, I know that moving was hard but you're a strong girl Reira..."

"I am... but with you being around, I guess I've become more free." She said

"Free? but you were already a free spirit before I met you."

"I mean you could say that, but I like routines, sometimes it is my way or the highway, I can overthink a lot with how I'm spending my time and-" She took a pause, "I think you helped me let loose and you've helped me learn what strength really is."

Orion didn't think he could impact anyone to change for the better. Never in a million years did he think someone like Reira could be enamored by him. He continued to look at her and after she spoke, there was silence. It made him feel awkward but he couldn't think of any words to say. He envisioned something more than what Pluto was, he envisioned something big and important, a future where he was fully happy and content. A future that included Reira and his mother, a future where he was a better version of himself.

"Orion." She said to end the silence.

"I'm sorry if I've been a bit off today, I barely slept and I didn't even know that we were going to do this today. My parents are getting a divorce and I never felt more empty in my life when my mom told me that news."

Reira was surprised and sad to know how he was really doing. "I'm sorry" She didn't know what else to say.

"I chose Pluto because it's small and I feel small, it's insignificant in our solar system, and I think that's how my parents view me in their life." He looked down.

"You're not" She thought, "You're so much more." She couldn't let out her words, all she wanted to do was listen.

"It's not even considered a planet and it hasn't even orbited around the sun for a long time, just like how I haven't really truly lived life in a long time. It's orbit is a weird shape and people have forgotten about it, people think it's meaningless...it's me." He looked up, "But even though it's not a part of the solar system, it's with another group where it belongs, and ever since I've been with you... well you make me feel like I belong."

Reira was caught in a daze hearing those words come out of his mouth. She also didn't think she could impact someone like that. "Orion, you are so much more than what you think you are and I will continue to remind you until you believe that."

He smiled, and what she said was heartwarming to him. "I know we need to continue the project but before we do..."

Reira began to see him show signs of nervousness, his palms began to sweat and his face turned red. However, she was on a high and was filled with an unusually large amount of bliss, almost as if she were taking a drug, that drug being Orion.

Orion had the butterflies, but he wanted her. He wanted to give her the world. It was his time to take a risk. He felt the need to let her know that she was so much more than just a friend, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

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