1. Lonely and Nothing Special

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Filled with bliss and wonder from birth to childhood, to being drowned in a sea of stress and sorrow. Living life like an extra in a movie, life consisted of routines which spontaneity didn't align with. He woke up, ate breakfast, rode the bus to school, occasionally took photos for the school yearbook, and spent the school day studying way more than socializing. He'd take the bus home, although sometimes he would walk home, then do more school work, study, have dinner, take a rest, and then start all over again. The same cycle for three years until he encountered the radiant Reira.

Reira walked into the class with her head held high with a face of the prettiest doll. She presented herself with a big smile, the kind of smile that lights up the darkest of rooms. Students were bored out of their mind, exhausted from the same old lectures from the teacher who didn't even seem to have any interest in his job. It was a class that lasted for an hour, yet it felt as though it lasted for much longer, as it was a dull and uninteresting place. In comes some girl who has the look of excitement in her eyes. Reira introduced herself to the teacher and was directed to try catching up with the class. He was automatically attracted to her, she left a memorable first impression on him. She wasn't a robot, she was thrilled to learn about Geology and was eager to speak to other people. Some viewed her as talkative and irritating, some people made snide remarks towards her, but he was interested. He just couldn't walk up to her after seeing another person attempting to flirt with her. "An attractive guy and a girl like her.. of course" he thought. He then went home and did the same routine. However, tonight he laid in bed with the thought of this new Reira girl, wondering where she's from and who she is because it's not so often you find people with her liveliness in the small town he resides in.

He assumed it was nothing but a superficial crush, simply pointless. The last time he even kissed a girl was at a birthday party at the age of twelve through the classic "Spin the Bottle" game, he'd describe the situation as "the most embarrassing experience." The last time he put in the effort to pursue a girl was in the eighth grade, which resulted in a sad rejection. Dating and relationships were an inconvenience to him, he would rather spend his time studying or taking photographs.

Studying and taking photographs.

Plain, yet for him, it was productive and a good use of time. He's still viewed as plain and quiet, and he was a loner despite his kindness. Constantly feeling disappointment as a child, and the absence of his parents caused him to lose his child-like spirit. His mother had ambitions to become a doctor with a loving husband, with a good child, living in a nice city. However, she ended up struggling to become a nurse, lived in a small town with a husband who's constantly on business trips. With all that said, she did end up with a good child, but her bitterness and dissatisfaction with her life prevented her from seeing that. He was alone and lonely, but photography was his friend while his aspiration to fulfill his mother's dream of becoming a doctor, kept him motivated to live through repetitious days.

Seems like the average guy in every school. There's a hundred guys just like him everywhere, who can be described as lonely and nothing special, which is exactly how he viewed himself.

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