15. Reira and Orion's Date

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Orion prepared for his date nervously, he changed his outfit about six times and over sprayed his cologne. His mother came into his room to see her son stressing once again, but this time it was over something positive. She smiled and went over to roll his sleeves up, fix up his hair as she encouraged him to be himself and not allow the fear of awkwardness get in the way.

Reira swiped on her red lipstick and put on a well-fitted, flowy on the bottom, blue dress. She walked downstairs and saw Orion waiting for her.

Orion was mesmerized once again, he saw a beautiful doll that he couldn't take his eyes off of. Reira saw him wearing a button-up long sleeved shirt of the same shade she wore of steel blue. "Hey" He said.

"Hi," She continued to look into his eyes, it was as if tonight, he was ten times more attractive to her.

"You look beautiful." He said

"You too" She responded, "I-I mean-" She sighed

They both let out a small awkward laugh.

They were at the restaurant, he pulled her chair out and was a gentleman for the whole evening. Reira was flattered and enamored, she felt more at peace to see that she wasn't the only one nervous.

"How did you manage to pick the exact same shade of blue to wear tonight?" She asked

"I was about to ask you the same thing" He said, raising his eyebrow.

"Orion, you know this is my color right?" She said

"Well it's our color now" He said,

The restaurant had a romantic atmosphere with dimmed lights and a single red rose in the middle of their table. They began to let loose and after a few minutes of corny flirting, the waitress gave the pair their drinks.

Orion took a sip from his drink, "So, what made you agree to go on a date with me?" He asked

Reira looked at him, "What made you ask me on a date?"

"I asked first."

She sighed, "I kind of wanted you to ask me on a date already when we were still working on the project."

"Oh" he said, "I'm sorry I took so long...I didn't know you were interested in me"

"I thought I was being so obvious every time before that, I mean I didn't even really need the notes for that one assignment."

"Wait, what assignment?"

"You know, when I first spoke to you." She smiled.

"Really? I mean...why did you ask me then?"

"I didn't know how else to talk to you" She looked down

He never thought that she was interested in him since the first interaction, it surprised him. Orion was interested from the first glance, she was pretty on the outside and he later fell in love with her beautiful soul as he got to know her more. Being in her presence made him feel safe, she made him feel surrounded by bliss, and he felt that he became happier in general the more he spent time with her. Reira felt the same way, he was a gift sent to her by the universe and she was going to cherish her gift.

They both enjoyed their meal, he then asked if she wanted to walk around for a little bit. Reira and Orion held hands as they walked around in their small town, they saw familiar faces, staring at them. The quiet, antisocial boy and the annoying, overly enthusiastic girl, together. Overdressed. Their heads held high. Smiling and in awe of each other.

The voices and looks of their peers didn't matter, at this moment all they cared for was each other. The breeze caused her long hair to flow and as they walked together in silence, they both were in a state of serenity.

The silence came to an end. "How are you?" She asked.

They kept walking, he smiled at her, "Happy."

"So am I" She responded, "But really, how are you doing overall? You didn't seem to be that happy the last time I saw you."

They kept walking and they approached his apartment complex. "Can we sit down?" He asked

Both sat on the steps, "I was really hurt a couple of nights ago." He said, "My father has been cheating on my mother for the past few years and he has another child."

Reira looked at him and her eyes widened.

"She knew this whole time and she was mad about it but didn't do anything but act indifferent and-" He sighed, "She took out her frustration on me."

She asked, "Did you guys fight?"

"No, but I was on the brink of losing it and just... you know, be really angry at her. I took a walk the morning after to clear my mind and I wandered into your neighborhood. I wanted to tell you but I was still processing everything."

Reira continued to listen and allow him to express his feelings to her, "How are you feeling about it now? Or is it still a lot to process?"

He looked down and sighed, "I get it. I'm not angry but I'm ready to confront my father about it, he's coming home in a couple of weeks."

"I'm sorry Orion."

"Why are you sorry?" He asked, "You've helped me through this, you've been... my light despite the rough month you've been going through."

"You deserve some credit too." She said,

He looked at her, "What credit?"

"Not everyone hears that kind of news and simply takes a walk to clear their mind, I would've been extremely angry, I probably would have fought my dad. In all seriousness, you have this strength that... causes you to stay selfless despite all the pain and betrayal. It's admirable, I mean, it's what I love about you."

His eyes widened, "Love?" He thought, "Did she just say the word love?"

"You know what I love about you?" He said softly, "Your radiance."

She smiled, "Well you are also-"

He grabbed her hand, which shut her up.

She blushed, "Can we do this again?"

"Hold hands?" He smiled

"That... and have a night like this again?"

Orion nodded as he stood up, "Let's walk some more"

The pair continued to walk, rather than take a cab, both wanted this night to last long even if it meant cold winds and hurt feet. He began to walk with his arm around her, it didn't change how cold she was but she loved every second of him being this close to her.

"How are you feeling right now?" He asked.


"Have things at least gotten better with your mom?" She asked after a few minutes.

"Yeah, I'm still learning how to forgive her, but she's really trying you know?"


"She even helped me prepare for this date, cause I'm not exactly a guy with great style" He smiled

"I changed my outfit like six times and I spent an hour or two getting ready." She said,

"I did the same thing, I practically drowned my other outfits with cologne." He laughed

The pair continued to laugh and walk until they arrived at Reira's neighborhood. The late night made everything different, they were both in a state of bliss. To hold her hand and t0 be on a date with the girl he admires, felt like a dream. For Reira, everything felt perfect, he was perfect to her. He was polite, silly, and more importantly, he made her feel different compared to the many guys she was once infatuated with. Except they were no longer infatuations to each other, from the beginning, it was simply a crush. However, tonight their feelings meant so much more.

Orion and Reira were ready to seal their first date with a kiss. Unfortunately, right before their lips touched, her phone rang and she was reminded that it was past her curfew.

"Oh my God!" She began to run, "Goodbye my sweet Orion! I shall see you on Monday!" She yelled with a big smile.

He laughed, "My darling Reira, we shall share another magical night like this!"

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