Arc 1: Exile *Edited 2/12/24*

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"Evelina Winstead! For your abuse of power to bully an innocent girl, I hereby sentence you to live in exile!" The Emperor Maximillian, who is sitting on the throne declared to the kneeling girl trembling on the floor in front of him.
"Do you have anything to say for yourself?!"He demanded.

But the girl, Evelina, is barely paying attention to what the Emperor said as she is too occupied with her own thoughts. The nobles that are here to witness the court proceedings jeered at her. They began to criticize her silence as disrespectful to the emperor.

" How dare she not answer the emperor! Such uncouth behavior!"
"What a despicable girl!"
" It's a relief that his highness Prince Maxwell broke the engagement!"
"She is disgusting to even set my eyes on!"

The sight of Evelina is not the appearance of a well-bred noble girl of beauty and culture. While usually the girl had her long golden hair in fancy updos or ringlets, it is now tangled up from not being brushed and maintained. Her clothing that are usually extravagant and colorful dresses are now a ragged up plain brown long shirt that reached her knees. The shirt doesn't hug her body at all, which made her body look like a potato sack. From her body, her arms and legs are exposed, which are covered with smudges of dirt along with her face. Her limbs also looked too thin, indicating that the guards of the dungeon didn't give her much proper food before they dragged her to face the royal family, the nobles, and her own family members. Lastly her eyes, which usually shines beautifully with its silver-violet color are now dead looking. Despite all of this, she still look beautiful in a tragic way.

Among the crowd of nobles, Evelina's father Duke Jonas Winstead along with her two older brothers Jared and Thomas looked on in indifference. Ever since she was born, they never showed her love and affection as they blamed her for the Duchess's death at childbirth.

Beside the emperor's throne stood Prince Maxwell with a girl clinging to his arm. The girl's name is Meredith, a commoner gifted with light magic, of whom Evelina was accused of bullying. The girl with a frightened look whimpered at the Emperor's tone while Prince Maxwell tried to soothe her. Taking a glance at Evelina, Prince Maxwell sneered coldly and gave a look of utter contempt.

" Girl I will not repeat myself! Answer me or I will have you executed in front of everyone in my court!"
The Emperor's threat snapped her out of her stupor immediately.

"Your Majesty, I have never bullied Miss Meredith." Evelina said calmly, although on the inside she is panicking, "There was no evidence that I did."

"Lies!" Prince Maxwell shouted in retaliation. "You hurt Meredith at every turn! You spread false rumors about her and Meredith had bruises due to your bullying!"

"But Your Highness, I have never touched her I swear," pleaded Evelina. " I did not spread any rumors and I do not know how Miss Meredith got those bruises, but it wasn't me!"

" You deceitful girl! The bruises on my sweet Meredith was because of you! Father please have her executed because she ---!"

"Silence!" The Emperor yelled towards his son, cutting him off from speaking further.
"Evelina Winstead, do you think my son, Crown Prince Maxwell would falsify his claim? You dare say he lie?!"

Evelina was caught of guard, then sighed in defeat as she realized the Emperor would believe his precious son no matter what.
" ....No Your Majesty." She answered defeatedly.
"Do you admit you are guilty of all charges against you?"
Evelina hesitated to answer. She had no choice but to say she is guilty. The Emperor obviously will not see reason with her.
"....Yes Your Majesty. I am guilty of all charges." Am I going to die?

"My decision is final. I hereby sentence you to exile." The emperor finally declared, sealing Evelina's fate.

Note: This story is unedited. After reading so many reincarnation/transmigration and villainess stories, I was motivated to write my own. This is my first story. English is my second language. Criticism is appreciated because it will help me become a better writer.

Exiled Villainess Becomes Ruler (Incomplete/ Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now