The Ultimate Beyblade Tournament: Commence!!

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"Beybladers from all different universes and worlds, welcome to El Astro in Spain," the Blader DJs and Hanami announced from three different screens.

"With help from the technology and research of reformed member of Dream, Ryan Gladstone and former manager and owner of the New York Raging Bulls, Alexander Glitten, we've successfully managed to interconnect different wormholes between our parallel worlds! Take it away, gentlemen!"

The dual colored eyed chairmen spoke first. "I once believed in a DREAM and after the loss of my hand, that dream went from supporting the next generation into taking over other worlds. However, in my pursuit of power, I found bladers who were able to connect to the other world with the power of their love for their sport. And to atone for my mistakes, I worked to correct my failures to work with them in order to connect our worlds with our Star Fragment and came into contact with Alexander and other leaders from the BBA and WBBA to make this vision a reality."

"You're too kind Ryan," Alexander decreed. "The passion from the finalists of the God Bladers' Cup allowed me to find a more practical solution in developing the future bladers of today, with the support of the WBBA Commissioner, who I assume will be doing more than attending today's events. Either way, there's a more practical chairperson here I think some of you will recongize more than me. You might know him as Kogoro Daitenji, though introducing himself."

An older man much smaller than both of them stepped in, earning the applause of about a third of the crowd while Blader DJ warmed up the mic.

"Introducing the chairman of the BBA, and the the developer of the Bladebreakers, the first heroes of the prime Beyblade universe, Mr. Stanley Dickinson!"

That got more cheers from the audience as Mr. Dickinson took the mic, claiming that those words were being too kind of him. After all, the real heroes of Beybladers are the ones that allowed this situation to be a reality.

"That being said, we gathered you all here to announce a special tournament featuring the stronger, ambitious, and unpredictable bladers of our three worlds! We call it the Metal Burst All Stars Royale!" That crowd grew excited and questions flooded the room.

Who were the bladers? Where was anyone they knew, someone they didn't? Someone no one would expect?

"Shall I introduce the first team," Mr. Dickinson asked, with everyone asking them much to his joy.

"Then let's get started. Introducing the first team into the tournament! Come on out bladers!"

Five bladers slowly emerged from one of the entrances, which caught the audience by storm.

"Introducing our first team! Tyson Granger, Daichi Sumeragi, Max Tate, Ray Kon, and Kenny Manabu! And their support manager, Hilary Tachibana!"

The audience was eagerly confused and excited at the same time. Tyson was waving at everyone, Daichi was excited and hoped he had fans in the crowd, Max was looking for his parents in the crowd, but Kenny was extremely nervous.

"Guys, I don't think I should be here!" The monitors were showing each of their faces, but when the focus was on him, the excitement dropped and everyone was asking one question. "And now I really don't think I should be here."

While Hilary told the crowd to be questioned, Tyson remained firm. "You're one of us Kenny, and you've upgraded your Hopper and our beys with the Burst System. You've had our backs for years, and we only beat the Blitzkrieg Boys thanks to you." Max, Daichi, Ray and Hilary all agreed.

"You sure?"

Tyson nodded. "Remember, we promised during the third World Tournament that we would stand side by side on the world stage?"

Beyblade: Metal Burst All-Stars Royale!! Interdimensional Crossover Tournament!!Where stories live. Discover now