Everything is clean except for thoughts

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Jack laid down on the couch still in pain. His body ached but in a weird way, he couldn't describe. The two wine bottles along with the glasses were still on the table. There were dried spills of wine on the small bench in front of the couch as well the aroma of wine hit Jack's nose. Two bowls were also on the bench Emilia picked them up and put them in a medieval kitchen sink which consisted of a square tub, a barrel to put water in, and a space underneath to put a fire. Jack had his thoughts interrupted by the pain of his wounds, in response he started to get up to find the bowl of morphine powder. [Emilia: uh uh no! Lay back down! What are you going to get?] [Jack: The bowl of morphine]. Emilia came skipping back with the subsequent bowl of powder. It was kind of an unnerving yet comedic scene to Jack. This pretty innocent young girl. Jack corrected himself noting her as a young woman due to all the trauma adding years to her mental maturity. The scene of an innocent young woman bringing Jack a bowl of narcotics was an interesting one, to say the least. He grabbed a pinch of powder without any bits of glass and sniffed it then repeated the process a few times. Jack grabbed the bottle of brandy and pulled the cork. The sound of the cork being pulled as well as the aroma was pleasing to him as he took a sip. Jack looked up to realize during this whole time Emilia had prepared a cauldron of hot water, washed the dishes, washed her old dirty dress, and added more meat to the stew. This all made Jack feel like a lazy bum but he was grateful. [Jack: Thanks Emilia] Emilia quickly walked over to Jack and helped him off the couch. [Emilia: I have washed my dress now it's time to wash you] [Jack: I am perfectly able to wash myself thank you and I can walk] Emilia had somewhat forcefully lent herself as a crutch. She got him to the bathroom and stripped him off his clothes. Jack got into the bath and Emilia poured the warm water in. The numbness and coziness from morphine and warm water set in. Emilia grabbed a bar of soap and started washing him starting with his neck down. [Jack: I said I can wash myself!!] [Emilia: No you can't! Your arm looks like it's going to fall off. Besides I need to do more healing] Jack looked at his wound for being partly healed it still looked gruesome. Emilia healed while she washed. They talked a bit more till she asked a question. [Emilia: What is that?] [Jack: What?] [Emilia: That right there] she pointed directly at his dick which was hard of course. [Jack: uh... uh.... That's a part of me that all boys have. Girls don't have them] [Emilia: That's weird I've never heard or seen one before. Does it need to be washed?] [Jack: Umm..] Jack knew he could take advantage of the situation and essentially get a handjob. Thus he talked to himself in his head: ok now Jack let's do the mature thing and not take advantage of Emilia's innoce- [Jack: Yes!] you impulsive pervert! [Emilia: Ok tell me when to stop] a few minutes went by. [Emilia: You can tell me when to stop] [Jack: I know I can] Soon Jack was at a climax but he didn't finish. He remembered that he had been told it's hard to finish when on opioids. [Jack: Ok stop] Jack got out, put his clothes back on, prepared water for Emilia, left before she changed, and took her dress to wash. Jack found some men's clothes in one of the drawers so he washed his blood-stained clothes and dried both sets of clothes by the fire.

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