panicked apology

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Jack woke up cold with small amounts of pain in his body. He thought about the argument that happened that night. Anxiety and regret filled him. Jack got up and picked the kitchen knife off the table contemplating self-harm. Thankfully he set the knife down. Jack remembered that this random coldness and suicidal thoughts must be withdrawal from his Wellbutrin. There were still some burning coals in the fire, he added a log to the fire. Jack then added a pinch of tobacco to his pipe and used some tongs near the fire to scoop up a small ember into the pipe. He went outside and took a long drag from the pipe exhaling the smoke in the form of a sigh. Jack then got himself together and made a mental list of what he needed to achieve. Ok first I need to apologize to Emilia, then I need to do something to make it up to her for saving my life and everything he thought. After the mental conversation and a mini pep talk, he gave himself Jack set the pipe down and walked inside. He walked over to where Emilia was sleeping expecting her to still be asleep. To his surprise, her eyes stared back at him and she was wide awake. Jack walked over and kneeled at the side of her bed. As soon as he was about to talk she cut him off [Emilia: I'm sorry for saying I hate you] [Jack: What? Why are you apologizing? I came here to apologize — I'm sorry] Emilia almost cut him off again but he talked over her. [Emilia: Ok I forgive you. But like Puck said you wouldn't have argued with him to stay if you didn't care about my wellbeing. You didn't go about it in the best way but your heart was in the right place. Most of my anger towards you is because you ran off breaking the promise and nearly died. I'd rather appreciate you being alive than stay angry at you for nearly not. Also, stop crying] [Jack: What? I'm not crying.] Emilia stuck out her finger and wiped a tear-off of Jack's face then held her finger in front of him so he could see it. [Of course, you're not] She used the same sarcastic tone Jack used when Emilia denied being attached despite literally holding his hand. Jack was surprised by how much Emilia matured in such a short period of time. Well, she did have a bunch of repressed memories given back. Also, these last few days have been an emotional rollercoaster with a lot happening. Jack thought. [Jack: I have to do something to make it up to you][Emilia: No you don't ] [Jack: I insist] Emilia's eyes looked up as she started to think then she smiled [Emilia: I want a hot bath, more soup, and a foot massage] [Jack: I'll do that. Why do you need a foot massage? You are not doing that much walking] [Emilia: That was the first thing I could think of. I didn't think you'd actually do it. I thought if I gave you a long list you'd get overwhelmed and accept that you don't need to do anything for me] [Jack: Normally that would work but your list wasn't long enough] [Emilia: Fine you need a bath too the smell of dried blood and sweat doesn't suit you] [Jack: Says the dried blood perfume queen herself] Emilia was about to object but instead rolled her eyes in acceptance. [Emilia: I need to show you something] Emilia led Jack outside and showed him a crystal on a tree. [Emilia: Hold on to this cristal anytime you go out into the woods that way mabeasts won't attack you] 

I waited and wrote both parts because I personally hate being left on a cliffhanger and I am pretty sure I am not the only one. Thank you for reading what I have written 

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