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I'm sorry I haven't updated I wanted to get back to my consistent grind of a part every three days but college and actually having a good social life has distracted me. Also, I need to warn this part is definitely more explicit than others. I kinda had to add fanservice because I kind of promised it in earlier chapters. Also, I used my stash of pirated only fans porn to get subscribers for my Wattpad account. (Just so you know I have been banned from a ton of Reddit communities by sharing stolen OF porn) at least I am not one of those writers who literally just make written porn but those writers do get their reads. As you can tell I was a bit uncomfortable writing this. But I'm happy I wrote it.
[Echidna: Ok... Now I'm done. Also thank you because I got to watch Emilia cry thinking you're dead] [Jack: Wait what??] Echidna raised her hand which immediately coincided with a portal forming under him. Jack opened his eyes and he was being cradled by Emilia who was balling her eyes out. [Emilia: But your ... your neck I didn't feel anything] Jack noticed Emilia's two fingers on his neck trying to check his pulse. [Jack: It's over here] Jack moved her fingers in the right spot of the jugular vein. Jack laughed at how simple the solution was. Emilia started laughing as well. Their laughter intensified. [Emilia: I'm a dunderhead I thought you were dead] [Jack: welp I'm not] Jack sat up and stood up but Emilia didn't. [Jack: Come on, what are we waiting for?] [Emilia: I really thought I lost you. That same disparity I felt when Subaru died. I felt like I did when you first met me crazy and completely helpless] [Jack: Well we are far from that aren't we] He said as he helped Emilia up. They walked home. Jack checked on the stew. [Jack: we didn't get any rabbits today, but I think we have enough stew for tonight] [Emilia: You forgot,] [Jack: Forgot what?] [Emilia: You said you were going to teach me how babies are made] [Jack: Oh yea and I was going to show you] [Emilia: But wouldn't that make a baby?] [Jack: Yea but I am ok settling down here. The barrier is gone. We can live at the mansion. Also, we can take up Roswaal's position as he is deceased and we are of his closest kin. This I would be lord or Earl Jack and you would be a lady or countess Emilia. I think we could raise a child with a mansion and control over an entire section of Lagunica don't you think? Also, it doesn't work every time.] Emilia thought hard about what he said. [Emilia: Ok so how is it done?] [Jack: That thing I have that you don't that you saw one time when I was taking a bath. I basically would put that in where you don't have one] [Emilia: Ok... that's kind of gross... but why was this kept from me why would mother Fortuna and Puck lie to me] [Jack: That process I just told you is called sex. Sex has a lot of controversy surrounding it. Sex is held as a sacred act done by people who are married and want to have a kid. But sex also feels very good so people will just do it with people they are not married to for that good feeling. Then people get confused do they really love that person who they had sex with for fun or not and that's just the tip of the iceberg] [Emilia: Tip of the iceberg??] [Jack: there's a lot more to explain but that would take too long] [Emilia: But we are not married] [Jack: I know but we do live together also the church got burned down and I don't know what religion people here follow but I don't have time to evangelize a whole group of people. So death till we part by default,] Jack and Emilia ate dinner. But the anticipation made things brief abs silent. Emilia was even more curious about sex a process she never heard of then after Jacks's explanation. Anxiety loomed over Jack as he rethought what he said and rethought the morality of what was going to happen. They sat on the couch [Emilia: so-] Jack cut her off with a kiss he held her as he laid her down on the couch. [Jack: clothes tend to pose a hindrance] [Emilia: But then we'll be cold let's move to the fire] Thus they did and they brought a blanket. They undressed one another. Jack put Emilia on top of him. He put it in Emilia squinted in pain, blood came out. But since she was on top she was able to put it in farther at her own pace. Jack noticed she didn't know what to do at this point so he rolled her so he was on top wrapped up in the blankets and gave her strokes. Everything felt so warm to Jack. I'd die for this, I'd kill for this. He thought of switching positions but shot down the idea he could feel every inch of Emilia. Jack buried his face in her neck and continued. This is my reward he thought this is what I earned for toughing out all the pain the rabbits and beasts gave him. Damn, Subaru really missed out Jack thought. Emilia moaned as Jack began to speed up. He climaxed holding on to her tightly. Then he just laid there and rolled to his side.

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