The rest of the day

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Emilia finally got out of the bath. Then she put on the long-sleeved dress as Jack simply referred to it as. The two had a nice at-home lunch date with stew. The morphine wore off but Jack just toughed it out; he didn't need any more impulse decision making. They walked out to pick up some of the edible dead rabbits from all the carnage in front of the tomb. Jack told Emilia about the huge battle that went down hopping from place to place telling exactly what occurred there. It was as if he were teaching Emilia history and this was an American civil war battlefield. Jack used to live near many American civil war battlefields where he lived in America. They walked back still talking. They added the rabbits they gathered to the stew when they got back. Day progressed into the night. The fire was roaring, Emilia changed into the pink nightgown and pranced out of the bathroom with it on. They sat down to eat the stew for dinner. [Jack: so how was the second trial] [Emilia: actually pretty easy] [Jack: how so?] [Emilia: it was the present so it's pretty much all the stuff I have been dealing with already] [Jack: Oh] [Emilia: I have mixed thoughts on Subaru] [Jack: I have mixed feelings about him as well] [Emilia: on one hand I didn't even notice he was dying and bleeding out I was just so blinded so...] [Jack: Completely batshit crazy] Jack said with a smile. Emilia rolled her eyes [Emilia: oh do you want to talk about how you broke down crying for no reason one morning. I don't deserve this!] She mockingly impersonated him with the last statement. [Jack: Ok ok I was just agreeing with you] [Emilia: But he could have just told me to heal him. Instead, he just laid there and died] [Jack: I think like you all this loss and he'll on earth was too much for him. Also very similar to you I think he blames himself for everything that happened. He thought he was the reason everyone's dead so he shouldn't leave either] [Emilia: But I wasn't dead he just left me in such a perilous situation. I thought I meant a lot to him. I put him on such a high pedestal] [Jack: I think he justified leaving you as you were in an irrecoverable state of insanity thus you were also dead. That doesn't make sense but he was trying to justify his death] [Emilia: that's what angers me the most he just lied to himself. He acts like oh he's dying to save everyone and everything to redeem himself for failing. But really he is just abandoning. He's leaving because he can't handle it. Subaru died selfishly for himself, not me.] [Jack: I think Subaru too was in somewhat of a state of insanity] [Emilia: But he just quit instead of fixing things. Subaru actually died, unlike Puck who just left for possibly an important reason or was forced to. To die like that it's such an act of complete slothfulness and cowardice! It's like he just slayed the archbishop of slothfulness not to rid the world of him. But just to TAKE HIS PLACE!!] Emilia's anger continued to boil her fists clenched with white knuckles on each side of her empty bowl. Her face was red. [Emilia: DID HE EVEN DESERVE TO BE BURIED!!!] Jack knew he needed to change the subject. [Jack: hey hey somethings missing!] [Emilia: What?] [Jack: my kisses where are they?] Emilia immediately calmed down with a sense of guilt. [Emilia: oh sorry I forgot] [Jack: You should be sorry. That should be a crime against humanity.] Emilia stared at the floor. [Jack: Emilia. I'm kidding] Jack said with a chuckle and landed a kiss on the cheek. They moved to the couch. Jack grabbed the bottle of brandy. It was still pretty full, two fingers down after the neck of the bottle. [Jack: We only have brandy left tonight's going to be interesting] [Emilia: I've never had brandy] she said as she returned with two glasses. She filled her glass halfway. [Jack: Wo wo wo not that much] [Emilia: why?] she took a sip and made a face squinting hard with a look of disgust. [Emilia: How do you drink this stuff It tastes terrible. Wine is a bit bitter but ugh this...] [Jack: that's why you only pour a little bit. You drink it like this. It takes practice to not make a face] Jack took a shot then poured Emilia one who took it making the same face. [Emilia: What do I do with this glass? Can you drink it?] [Jack: umm... I don't know if I could drink that much] [Emilia: Please it would be a waste] [Jack: you're going to kill me] Jack drank the whole thing as if it were a shot giving a serious look of discomfort. As the evening progressed Emilia practiced a few times taking shots. The alcohol set in and Emilia got on top of Jack who was spinning. His stomach dropped like a roller coaster. The thing is he enjoyed this where most people found it uncomfortable as people with addiction do. She tried to sloppily kiss him but missed as Jack wasn't trying. With a horny drunk mindset, Jack grabbed her ass. Fan service, fan service he chanted in his mind. With his hand, he searched but was so clumsy it was like going for a light switch in the dark plus he didn't even know what he was going for. He gave up and passed out. 

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