The quest to give a proper burial

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Jack waited a few minutes, then got to work. He first dragged Ram's dead body outside in a blanket. The house had a shed with a shovel, other tools in it, and pieces of plywood. Jack used some nails and nailed some of the plywood together making a sled. He grabbed the shovel, a lantern, a cloak, and the kabob sword which had yet to be filled with skewered rabbits. Jack found some rope and tied Ram's body wrapped in the blanket and the shovel onto the sled. He nailed a piece of rope to the sled to pull by and ventured into the woods. It was poetic how grim, dark (literally and figuratively), and morbid this scene was Jack thought to himself. He focused on the ground searching for rabbits. Sure enough, one ran up and was stabbed by Jack. Another one quickly came from the left. Jack took a stab but missed. On reflex, Jack lifted up his leg, and luckily the rabbit bit only the rubber on Jack's shoe. He took another stab, hitting the rabbit's nose and glancing off hitting the rabbit in the gums. Jack took a harder stab putting the blade into the rabbit's mouth down the bloodthirsty beast's throat, then angled the blade to hit a lethal spot. Jack then stabbed a third rabbit that showed up late. He continued walking much more paranoid and decided he should just bury Ram wherever he was at. The snow was deep, the ground was hard. Jack was careful with digging, it was still hard and tiring work. After about 30 minutes Jack was out of breath, had a human-sized hole that was half a foot deep. The ground was getting weaker most likely due to melting snow soaking in. At two and a half feet Jack untied rem uncovered the blanket to see her face, then recovered it and lowered her body into the ground. Jack wished he could cry, he wished he had happy memories with Ram and that he could reminisce. But he didn't have those memories. Ram had been nothing but mean to him, but he just accepted that's how she was. Jack made the sign of the cross with his hand like a priest would do over sacraments, Then he started burying. But then he saw something run by. Jack just told himself his mind was playing tricks on him. Again, Jack could slightly hear quickened footsteps in the snow. A few minutes went by Jack tied to sticks together with a small thin branch making what was supposed to be a cross that looked more like an X. Then he carved "RAM" into the middle stick and stuck it in the ground. Jack heard something like a branch breaking from a step. It was close he couldn't ignore this one. Jack looked to the right and he could see two glowing eyes. He moved his lantern to see it was a Mabeast wolf standing before him. 

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