The talk

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Emilia: So are you going to explain what intercourse is?

Jack thought for a second. The lustful thought crossed his mind of saying 'yes in fact this might require a demonstration. As much as it went against his self-serving nature, he shot down the idea. Also, Jack knew and was told by friends that sex goes to your head. He had a mission to complete and didn't need any more distractions.

Jack: Well if I explained intercourse to you, it wouldn't be fair

Emilia: What do you mean?

Jack: I feel like if Subaru was alive he would be the one to teach it to you. Also, the reason I feel you're so attached to me is that you miss Subaru. If I taught it to you I would be like me stealing Subaru's progress from him.

Emilia: I am not attached

Jack: *lifts their interconnected hands* Of course, your not (sarcasm)

Emilia: Subarus dead you dunderhead. You're not stealing, you're just picking up what he left behind.

Jack: I guess you're right. After you complete the third trial I'll teach it to you.

Jack felt like that was a smart decision. Mission first distractions second. Also, Emilia's curiosity would motivate her and his own lust would motivate him. "Alright" Emilia agreed. A rabbit ran up to Emilia and Jack. Emilia raised her hand and mumbled some words Jack couldn't hear. An ice crystal was created Emilia shot into the rabbit killing it leaving a splash of its blood. Two more rabbits run up only to meet the same doom. Three came around the corner of a building. Emilia mumbled something different this time and all three exploded into blood-red ice flowers. A small crowd of blood-thirsty rodents came running, Emilia killed all of them with a barrage of ice crystals. A small army of white long-eared beasts came running. Emilia spawned a large ice block sending it across the floor moving at a brisk walking pace. The block steamrolled the rabbits leaving a path of blood and flattened carcasses behind it. Jack knew where he was leading Emilia. It was the house where bandaged his wound. Jack justified it as he was looking for survivors. But really he wanted to retrieve the bottle of alcohol. Finally, they made it to the house. Jack stopped which in turn forced Emilia to stop. Jack reached for the door. Emilia stopped his hand "We should knock first" she said. Jack rolled his eyes and knocked. He waited a few seconds. To Jack's surprise, someone opened the door. 

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