Home sweet home

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Jack opened the door and leaned the kabob sword on the coat rack. He saw the roaring fireplace with a nice furry carpet in front of it. But it wasn't a carpet, it certainly was being used as one. It was a sheep's hide with the wool still on it. Jack set Emelia down in front of the fire. "Sit," Jack ordered. Jack realized he forgot to close the door but the silent kid closed it for him. Jack got up to the distress of Emelia "don't leave" she said. Jack just flat-out ignored her. He grabbed the kid by the hand and started checking rooms. Slightly opened the door and looked through the opening. To his horror, he saw two bodies. Jack pushed the child away from the door and entered. There was Garfield and Ram on top of each other dead. Jack didn't recognize Garfield, he did recognize Ram but forgot her name. Jack moved the two bodies beside one another and shut both of their eyes. He walked out of the room closing the door behind him and moved the child to the next room. It was a dark room but there were multiple beds. "Can you sleep here?" said Jack. The boy hopped into one of the beds answering the question. Jack walked back to check on Emilia who was giving the fire a thousand-yard stare. Jack sat down next to her "You good?" he said tapping on her shoulder. Emelia broke out of the trance she looked at him. Her eyes showed Jack's reflection. "Can I rest my head on your lap?" said Emelia. Jack didn't understand the underlying significance of this. "Sure," he said. She leaned over to his lap and rested her head then fell asleep instantly. Jack felt bad for her, she must have been exhausted. The fact that she couldn't go to sleep or really do anything without another person. Also, the fact that she looked so lost when Jack left for a few moments. She'll be better after some sleep, Jack thought. After about ten minutes Jack had to go to the bathroom and the fire, though it looked magnificent, what looked less magnificent with the lack of firewood. He slowly pushed Emelia's head off of his lap.

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