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Emilia instantly woke up. "Are you leaving me!" she said with anger. "I need to go to the bathroom and grab some firewood, want to come with me?" Jack did not intend that question to be taken literally; it was more of a sarcastic comment. "Yes'' said Emilia, matching the same tone. Emilia followed Jack out the door. When Jack went to go to the bathroom Emilia did give him some distance. After he was done Jack started trying to break some branches off the trees that didn't want to break off because they were a part of a living tree. "Why are you grabbing sticks over there? When the firewood is over here!" yelled Emelia. Jack looked over to see behind the cabin was a bunch of logs with a cover over them protecting them from the snow. Jack got mad at himself for not noticing that but not noticing things like that was a common occurrence for him. Emelia picked up as much wood as she could carry. "Don't help me, I am fine". Jack said nothing as he grabbed some wood himself. Jack opened the door so Emelia could get in the door with all the wood she was carrying. She was carrying twice the amount Jack was. Jack and Emilia set the wood down as well as stacked them in where the wood was kept. Jack noticed Emilia was carrying all this wood to prove she wasn't useless. "That's a lot of wood, Emilia, nice job," said Jack. "Thanks," said Emilia, not trying to seem too happy, but Jack could notice she was. "How do I know you won't leave me again?" demanded Emilia. Jack took a few seconds to sort of think. "Fuck it," Jack said ripping a piece of the table cloth with a knife he found in the kitchen. Jack angrily put his arm next to Emilia's and tied the two together. "See now I can't leave you. I am literally attached to you," Said Jack with annoyance. Emilia seemed pleased and lied down again which in turn forced Jack to lie down in front of the fire with her. Emilia yet again instantly fell asleep. Jack started to argue with himself regretting the decision. Now I can't move. Great. What if I have to go to the bathroom again? What was I supposed to do? I don't know, maybe think three seconds before attaching yourself to a human being. She will be better after sleep. Sure responded himself sarcastically. After arguing with himself for a good ten minutes and realizing this argument was achieving nothing. Jack just got too tired to think about it anymore and fell asleep.

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