The Walk

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Jack: I have never personally started a walk by almost losing the ability to do so. That's a new experience. But thank you

Emilia: *Chuckles* You're welcome. Watch your step next time.

Jack: Like I could have seen THAT, coming

Jack saw the dried blood stained across Emilia's dress where Subaru had laid down and died on her lap.

Jack: We should find something for you to change into while we clean that dress of yours

Emilia: Why do we need to do that

Jack: What do you mean why? Because I value your privacy.

Emilia: Why do you need to do that?

Jack: Why do I not? Why do I need to see you unclothed, so I can imagine having intercourse with you? I barely ever go ten minutes or more without touching you. I get enough of you as it is. To be real you're kinda clingy.

Jack looked down at the fact that they were still holding hands proving his point. He also wanted to replace "kinda clingy" with "Really fucking clingy" but he felt that would be a bit insulting. This conversation had taken a very awkward turn. Jack felt like Emilia was just continuing to ask why for everything out of boredom.

Emilia: What's intercourse?

Jack: Do you know how babies are made?

Emilia: Of Course when a boy and a girl kiss they make a baby.

This statement left Jack in a bit of shock as he tried to force himself not to laugh. He realized he would have to have the talk and explain the birds and the bees to Emilia. Was this a part of Subaru's hell? Jack thought. If it was Subaru should avoid becoming a middle school health teacher at all costs, or at least skip teaching F.L.E. Jack thought. A lustful thought came into his head that this might require a demonstration. Jack shot that idea down immediately as he felt he should not distract himself from his mission. He thought about messing with her a bit. I probably shouldn't mess with someone who is at a point of insanity about something like their lack of knowledge on reproduction. Not that, something like reasoning is going to stop someone as impulsive as I from doing so Jack thought.

Jack: Sooo.... Like this?

As Jack said that he kissed Emilia directly on the lips. This caught her off guard; her eyes widened as a result. She panicked a little bit.

Emilia: You can't...

Jack: *after laughing* Emilia, Emilia it's going to be OK. Look. Look at me.

Emilia did as he said. Which was just simply a trap Jack had created, because as soon as she did, Jack landed another one. Emilia panicked some more as Jack laughed. Emilia then used her other hand to cover her mouth. Jack used his hand to move hers down for a quick second then he planted yet a third kiss.

Emilia: No, don't! We can't have anymore. I don't know what to name them.

Emilia covered her mouth with her hand again then let go of Jack's hand and backed up. This was followed by more laughing by Jack. Emilia stood still for a second covering her face. Then she panicked but this time really panicked as the anxiety of Jack kissing her again fought against the anxiety of abandonment, both were strong. The hand that was now not holding Jack's moved around restlessly as if searching for a nonexistent railing. Emilia's look of panic was replaced with a thousand-yard stare. Jack immediately stopped laughing, walked over, and grabbed Emilia by the shoulders, shaking her to break her out of whatever sort of trance she went into.

Jack: Emilia! Babies are not created by kissing.

Emilia came back to reality.

Emilia: There not? How do you know?

Jack: Because we don't have reproductive organs on our faces. I could literally sit here and kiss you all day, which I wouldn't mind doing, but it wouldn't get you pregnant. Your mom probably told you that because you were too young to have it explained to you

Emilia: Ok....

Emilia first looked at him with suspicion but then thought about it. She believed him. They went back to walking hand in hand as they were before.

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