The battle for a proper burial

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Jack stared at the Mabeast. The Mabeast stared at him. The wolf's legs bent. Jack raised his sword preparing a backhanded swing. The Mabeast latched onto Jack's thigh, sinking a full set of teeth in a stinging bruising pain followed. Jack swung a little too high but it still hit, taking a slice into the beast's face and chopping off its ear. The Mabeast didn't budge, it just tugged a bit. Jack Stabbed downward into the beast with both hands. As the tip of the blade started to enter its pelt, the beast let go and retreated back into the darkness. Jack turned his lantern to see the face of another beast. He didn't hesitate and swung leaving a slice across the beast's face as well as slicing its eye. The creature moaned and retreated. A third beast stepped forward. Jack swung chopping off its front leg, as the animal lost balance he stabbed into the beast's chest leaving a fatal injury. "Ok, ok, I can kill you fuckers' ' Jack said out loud. But he spoke too soon, He was blindsided and impaled by something. Jack looked down to see a black-maned lion with horns carrying him. Thud! They hit a tree. Jack took a breath but it was hard to breathe. The left side of his stomach didn't move when he inhaled. A sharp unbearable pain hit Jack, he started to realize his left lung had collapsed. He felt warm liquid drip down his stomach. The lion tried to tug its horn that impaled Jack and the tree but to no avail. Jack lifted the sword with one hand and stabbed it into the lion's neck. The lion kept trying to pull its horn out as the creature writhed and roared in pain. The sword didn't penetrate deep. Panting with shallow quick breaths Jack reached his other arm around and pushed the sword deeper. The two Mabeast dogs surrounded the tree, one jumped up latching onto Jack's ankle. I wonder if this is what my dog's chew toy feels like, thought Jack. All of a sudden Jack heard his name called in a desperate voice. Emilia came running frantically. "El Huma!!!" she shrieked. The lion made a continuous effort to try to get out of the tree. Till. Pop! The horn came out of the tree. Jack fell to the ground with a painful thud. As soon as the lion turned to face Emilia it was barraged with sharp ice crystals that just kept coming, each penetrating deep into the lion's flesh. "Ul Huma!!" Emilia yelled angrily. A giant ice pillar shot from the ground uppercutting the lion so hard in the jaw it did a flip onto its back. The lion whimpered as if begging to be put out of its misery afterward. After witnessing the spectacle of Emilia destroying this horned lion, Jack turned his attention to the Mabeast dog. The dog charged towards Jack's face but Jack lifted the sword causing the dog to impale itself in the throat with it. The one-eared creature stared at Jack, blood leaking from its mouth as the light slowly left his eyes. This reminded Jack of one time when he shot a squirrel dead that did the same. Emila shot a few more icicles at some other creatures that Jack couldn't see, which showed up hoping this battle would yield some good scavenging. Then she ran over to Jack and kicked the Mabeast dog hard like she was clearing the ball after playing successful defense in soccer. "Are you alright" Emilia then said

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