16. Awkward

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Princess - Italics 
Buttercup - Bold
Jake - Plain Underline

Princess - Italics Buttercup - BoldJake - Plain Underline

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“Hell- DAMMIT JAKE! Give me back my pudding! Go get your own, the fridge is two feet away from you for heaven sakes! I’m sorry hi Buttercup.”

“Hiya Princess. Am I interrupting something?”

“Oww! What was that for?! I just wanted a bite.”

“Get. Your. Own. I don’t share chocolate pudding. Mom bought them for me, not you.”

“Violence is not the answer. Sharing is caring.”


“Sharing is caring...I just don’t want to share with you. Sorry Buttercup, my brother is being a nuisance like always.”

“You are so rude. No wonder you don’t have friends. Hear that lover boy? Run, runaway as fast as you can- Ow again?”

“Shut the fuck up Jake! And you jock stop laughing.”

“You could be a little nicer.”

Not you too!! I am a very nice person. It’s just my pothead brother, irks my nerves.”


“I’m sorry you all are too much. I am quite entertained.”

“Did you just call me a pothead? It’s a natural herb. If God didn’t want us to have it, he would not have made it.”

“Whatever, druggy. Go away now. Can’t you see I'm on the phone? Anyways, I’m glad I could amuse you. What are you up to?

“Fine. I’ll leave you alone now. Bye lover boy.”

“Your brother seems pretty cool. Not too much actually. I finally get to relax. So lover boy?”

“He’s okay. He is a 21 year old big kid. Don’t listen to him, he is just trying to embarrass me. I don’t even know why he calls you that. I am glad we finally get to talk. It’s been, what? Two days?”

“Aren’t we all just big kids? Don’t worry, I think it’s cute, doesn’t it have a good ring to it? Lover Boy. I like it. My coach has us pulling some crazy practices. By the time I get home, I just eat, shower and crash.”

“I am not changing your name. You are Buttercup. End of story. That is the exact reason I don’t play sports.”

Duly noted. Buttercup it is. Are you sure that’s the reason you don’t play sports? Physical activity is good for you.”

“Okay, fine you got me. You need hand eye coordination to play sports. I have none. Happy? Now you know the truth. I can’t throw a ball to save my life. Can’t run either. I am the first girl to die in a horror film.”

“Haha. I’m very happy. Your secret is safe with me. Don’t fret though I'll be there to save you from the murderer. I won’t let you die at the hands of a psychopath.”

“Oh, my hero! My personal knight in shining armour.”




*clears throat*
"I was thinking we could finish our game of 20 questions.”

“Sure. Do you remember who was next? I forgot.”

“I think it was my turn.”

“Fire away, Princess.”

“I want to try something, to change it up. I am going to ask a series of six questions and you say the first answers that come to mind. Okay?”

“Okay. Why six?”

“I like even numbers. You can ask me six questions as well. Summer or Winter?”


“Going out or Staying in?”

“Going out. But that just depends on the plans.”

“Talking on the phone or Talking in person?”

Talking in person. Wait, Why did you ask that?”

“It’s not your turn for questions. Book or Movie?"

“Ugh. Movie.”

“Being popular or Being nerd?”



“Is that one of your questions?”

“No. Off the record.”

“Believe it or not, coming from someone who is popular. It’s not all it’s cracked out to be. If I could do it all over again, I’d just be neutral. Not popular but not a loner either.”

“Smart or Pretty?”

“That’s a trick question. Both, my turn?”


“Book or Movie?”

“Easy. Book.”

“Beach or Pool?”

“The beach.”

“Chocolate or Hard Candy?”


“Road Trip or Fly by plane?”

“Road Trip.”

“My kind of girl. Fancy Dinner or Diner?"

“Every girl loves to be wined and dined, Buttercup. But Diner.”

“What is your name?”


“Please? It’s been over a month. If you really don’t want to, you don't have to.” 

“I’ll tell you my first name only if you tell me what city you live in?

“Done. Eastgate.”



“What was that?”

“My name is Hailey.”

“Hailey. I love it. My name is-”

“I gotta go. Bye!”

~~**Dial Tone**~~


“She hung up. What just happened?”

 What just happened?”

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