15. Catching Feelings

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Archer - Bold
Jayden - Bold Underline

Archer - BoldJayden - Bold Underline

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Yesterday and today have kicked my ass. After our meeting with our coach he has been making us run drills. I was so tired and I didn't get a chance to call my princess like I told her I would. It's funny it feels weird going a day without talking to her. I am currently down in my basement with Jayden. He decided to come to my house for a bit after practice. He said he likes my mom's cooking better than his. I have to make sure she knows that. She always cooks Jay's favorite when she knows he is staying for dinner. I suddenly remembered I'd left my phone in my room. I left Jay to go get my phone. I saw that I had a missed call and a new voicemail from her. I walk back down the basement and put my phone to my ear to listen to the message. As I listen to her message, I can't stop myself from thinking how damn cute she is trying to leave a message.

"Dude you better watch yourself?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Really dude? If you could see your face right now. This is classic. You're lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. What made you so happy?"

"Fuck off bro. I have no idea what you are talking about. I think you're tripping."

"Whatever you say man. I think that it has to do with that girl, what do you call her? Princess?"

"Shut up! And only I can call her princess."

"See so possessive and you don't even know her real name. I mean you don't even know what school she goes to. All you know is she obviously lives in the county because of her area code."

"I am working on it. She doesn't trust easily, I want her to willingly give that information when she is comfortable."

"You may not know it yet, but you my man are totally whipped for this girl."

"And so what, if I am. She's different, I can tell even if I haven't met her in person. I have never talked to a girl where I have actually been me. It's weird, she brings out this side of me that makes me want to be better."

"Jeez Arch, if you don't find out who this girl is, I will. So what was her message?"

"Don't you dare. I don't want to do that to her. Especially if she doesn't want to tell me. You must be out of your mind if you think I will let you hear the message."

Jayden gets up from the couch and snatches the phone from beside me and tries to play the message. I know he succeeded when I hear her sweet voice coming through my phone.

"She sounds so cute. Damn I am almost jealous."

"Give me back my damn phone before you get any ideas."

"If I wanted to do something, I would have done it already. By the way did you catch the beginning of the message. It sounded like she was saying A."

I hit replay on my message and we both listened to it again.

"She can't possibly know my name."

"Well the next time you talk to her, see what happens. Don't flat out ask, but just feel it out. See if she leads on that she knows who you are."

"Yeah. I guess I'll find out"

I was nervous thinking that she knew who I was, and if she did, what she does think of me now. Would it change anything? I really hope not. I would hate to lose what we have going on, even if she wants to be nothing more than friends. I just can't see myself without having her in my life. She made such a big difference and she doesn't even know it. Now more than ever I want to know who she is. Princess I am a man on a mission and nothing will get in my way.

 Princess I am a man on a mission and nothing will get in my way

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